Classical Vibration Control 83
algorithm and t o verify the reliability of the system. Subsequently, the algorithm
must be validated by experimental tests on the real structure. The car suspension
is an example of self-tuning suspensions. It is able to adapt to various operating
configurations depending on the type of driving, the dr iving conditions, or the desired
comfort. One method to achieve this is t o modify the suspension stiffness or its
damping u sing various techniques.
Self-adjusti ng absorbers
The mechanical resonator, which is basically a mass-spring system, is used to con-
trol certain v ibration sources. It is placed where the vibrations are to be reduced. The
principle is that the resonance fr equ ency of the mass-spring system as a resonator is
adjusted with the excitation f requency in operation, and as the mass vibrates, the
vibratory level is decreased.
In certain structures, the excitation frequency evolves with time gradually. These
changes take place over a long period, compared to t he excitation frequency. As a
result, it is necessary to create a system whose resonance frequency would adjust
automatically to the variations of the excitation frequency. For a 20 Hz excitation
frequency, this variation usually takes place between 1 and 3 seconds. This kin d of
system actually works as the case of self-adjusting absorbers.
Self-adapting resonator
Self-adapting resonators are capable of adjusting to changes in the excitation fre-
quency. The hu b resonator used in a helicopter is an example. It consists of a flapping
mass that v ibrates in a plane perpendicular to the rotation axis of the rotor. The mo-
bile flapping mass is supported by three flexible element s indexed at 120
, and it
slides along the rotor axis. The stiffness of the three elements is designed so that
the resulting anti-resonance corresponds to the excitation frequency. The required
position of the mobile mass is determined by control algorithms through an actuator
and the mobile mass is moved by th e actuator. The z position of the mass makes the
variation of the inertia of the assembly and thus the anti-resonance frequency varies
4.4 Active vibration control
The self-adapti ng systems presented previously will not be sufficient in the cases
where the source characteristics vary too fast for the involved algor ithms or the re-
quired level of performance is too high. Active methods should be used to decrease
the vibrations.
A vibration control system is called active if it uses external power to p erform
its function. It is comprised of a servomechanism with an actuator, a sensor, and a
microprocessor-based system. The actuator applies a force to the mass whose vi-
bration is to be reduced. The sensor measures t he motion of t he mass in terms of
displacement, velocity, or acceleration, depending on th e application. The micropro-