Introduction to Optimal an d Robust Control 111
5.7.2 Relationship between system gain a nd phase
In the classical feedback theory, the Bode’s gain- phase integral relation has been
used as an i mportant tool to express design constraints in feedback systems. Let
L = P C denote t he open-loop system. It is noted that ∠L(jω
) will be large if
the gain L attenuates slowly near ω
and small if it attenuates rapidly near ω
. The
behavio r of ∠L(jω) is particularly important near the crossover frequency ω
, where
)| = 1, and π + ∠L(jω
) is the phase margi n of the feedback system. Further
|1 + L(jω
)| = |1 + L
)| = 2|sin
π + ∠L(jω
| (5.139)
must not be too small for good stability robustness. If π + ∠L(jω
) is forced to be
very small by rapid gain attenuation, the feedback system will amplify disturbances
and exhibit little uncertainty tolerance at and near ω
. A non-mi nimum phase zero
contributes an addit ional phase lag and imposes limi tations upon the roll off rate of
the open-loop gain. Thus the conflict between attenuation rate and loop quality near
crossover is clearly evident.
In the classical feedback control theory, it has been common to express design
goals in terms of the shape of the op en-loop transfer fu nction . A typical design
requires that the open-loop transfer function h as a h igh gain at low frequ encies and
a low gain at high frequencies while the transition should be well behaved [70].
5.7.3 Sampling
Mathematical relations and operations can be handled by digital microprocessor only
when they are expressed as a fin ite set of numbers rather than as functions having
an infinite number of possible values. Thus any measured continuous signal must
be converted to a set of pulses by sampling, which is the process used to measure a
continuous-time variable at separated instants of time. The infinite set of numbers
represented by the smooth curve is replaced by a finite set of numbers. Each pulse
amplitude is then rounded off to one of a finite number of levels depending on the
characteristics of the converter. The process is called quantization. Thus a digital
device is one in which signals are quantized in both time and amplitude. In an analog
device, signals are analog; that is, they are continuous in time and are not qu antized
in amplitude. The device that performs the sampling, quantization, and converting
to b inary form is an analog to digital (A/D) converter.
The number of binary digits or bits generated by the device is its word length,
which is an important characteristic related to t he resolution o f the converter. The
resolution measures the smallest change in the input signal that will produce a change
in the output signal. An example is that if an A /D converter has a word length of 10
bits or more, an input sig nal can be resolved to 1 in 2
or 1024. If the input sig nal
has a range of 10 V, the resolution is 10/10 24, or approximately 0.01 V. Thus i n
order to produce a change i n th e output the input must change by at least 0.01 V.
A discrete-time signal is ext racted by sampling from a continuous-time signal. If
the sampling frequency is not selected properly, the r esulting sampled sequence will