Modeling of Disk Drive System and Its Vibration 25
roughly classified into two categories: static models and dynamic models. There
are various static models for friction, for example, the Coulomb model, the viscous
model, and friction models with t he Stribeck effect, etc. However, a static friction
model cannot capture observed friction phenomena like hysteresis, positio n depen-
dence, and variations in breakaway forces. Therefore, a friction model involving
dynamics is necessary to describe friction phenomena accuratel y. A rel at ively new
dynamic friction model proposed in [43] combines the Dahl stiction behavio r with
arbitrary steady state frict ion characteristics, which is able to include the Str ibeck
effect. A nonli near friction observer is then required for position control because
the involved interim state is not measurable and has to be observed in order to es-
timate the friction fo rce. Later, to overcome the limitations of the above model, an
integrated model is proposed in [44], which is used in [41] for VCM pivot friction
modeling in HDDs. The resultant friction model needs to be iteratively impr oved and
verified using the measured and the simulated responses. Another dynamic model
used in VCM pivot friction modeling is the preload and two-slope model, which is
detailed in [40, 42] respectively in the frequency domain and the time domain. How-
ever, although the time-domain approach provides a good match between the time
domain response of the model and the data collected, it cannot guarantee a good
match in the frequency domain, and vice versa.
The non-model based appr oaches include the neural network method [46][47] and
the disturbance observer method [45]. The neural network method does not require
full knowledge of t he no nlinearity model, but its implementation in real di sk drives
seems difficult because of sl ow convergence [48]. In [45], a novel method for the
cancelation of pivot n onlinearities is proposed and it consists of an accelerometer
and a disturbance observer. The accelerometer is employed to linearize the dynam-
ics fr om the desired input signal to carriage angular acceleration, and the observer
estimates the nonlinear disturbances d ue to pivot friction for disturbance cancelation.
In this sectio n, a mathematical model will be developed to closely describe the
friction hysteresis behavior. Among existing hysteresis models in the literature, the
Prandtl model [50] is less complex and more attractive in real-time applications. The
element ary operator in the Prandtl hysteresis model is a rate-independent backlash
or linear play operator, defined by p
, x(t)), where x(t) is the actuator response
and π
∈ R is usually initialized to 0. Hysteresis nonlin earity can b e modeled by a
linearly weight ed superposition of many backlash operator s with different threshold
r > 0 and weight values w
, i.e.,
(x(t)) =
, x(t)]dr, (2.15 )
where the weight w
defines the ratio of the backlash operator, as seen in Figure 2.5.
In order to have an accurate mathematical model for the hysteresis, th e creep model
proposed in [49] is al so incorporat ed. Hence we consider the operator model given
F (x(t)) = ax(t) +
, x(t)]dr +
, x(t)]dλ,