18 Modeling and Control of Vibration in Mechanical Systems
The spindle and motor assembly includes disk clamps to clamp disks. The actuator
assembly contains an actuator driven by voice-coil motor (VCM) and mounted via
ball-bearing at each end of a pivot shaft, flex cable carrying head and VCM leads, and
arms to support suspension/ head extension between the disks. In the head/suspension
assembly, an airbearing surface is created on surface next to the rotating disk, the
slider carrying heads flies on top of the disk surface, and a gimbal attaches the slider
to the suspension. The electronics card involves drivers for the sp indle motor and
VCM, read/write (R /W) electronics, a servo demodulator, and micro processors for
servo control and control of interface to host computer.
The actuator servo channel consists of a demodulator producing position infor ma-
tion from the servo burst read from the disk during seeking and following; a servo
controller to control the po sition of the R/W head during reading, writing and seek-
ing; spindle control to keep the spindle ro tating at a specific speed wit h a minimum
speed fluctuation and a power driver to drive the spindle motor and the VCM actu-
ator. The servo or position information is used to position the magnetic head on the
disk sur faces. Position measurement of the magnetic head is achieved by means of
analyzing the position error signal (PES) calculated from the read back signal.
The head-positioning servomechanism is a control syst em that p ositions the R/W
head from one track to another in minimum time, and repositions the R/W head over
a desired track with minimum statistical deviation from the track center. A settling
controller is used in between the above seeking and following modes.
The seek time is a measure of how fast the disk drive actuators can move the R/W
head to a desired location. The seek time is limited by the actuator behavior, acceler-
ation current level and the control algorith m. The major requirement in the seeking
process is fast and smooth seeking with small or even n o overshoot. Dual-st age ac-
tuation with a VCM as pri mary actuator and a mi croactuator as secondary actuator
works as one way to achieve fast seeking and settl ing due to higher bandwidth.
Once the actuator is regulating the position of the R/W head at the desired track,
the smaller the head position deviates from the desired track center, the closer the
tracks can be put together and the higher the track density becomes. In this stage,
the servo perfor mance is l imited by mechanical factors i n the actuator, d isk plat ter,
spind le motor, etc. An improved mechanical design is supposed to present less dis-
turbance, causing less off-track. On the other hand, a good closed-loop servo system
is expected to reject the disturbances. The error transfer function must be well de-
signed to yield a sufficiently small closed-loop non-repeatable runout. This typically
requires a satisfactory servo loop based on the disturbance spectrum. Generally, it
demands a high servo bandwidth, a high 0-dB crossover frequency and a low hump
of error rejection transfer function. A secondary microactuator activated to gether
with the VCM primary actuator is generally used to produce a higher bandwidth
closed-loo p system.
In a d isk drive, the positioning in formation or servo information (“servo bursts”)
is embedded in each disk surface. Servo bursts are conventionally written by costly
dedicated servo writing equipment external to t he disk drive, which uses a laser-
guided push-pin mechanism to position the write head on the disk su rface u ntil the
servo burst information is written on the d isk completely [53] [54]. The defects such