6 Modeling and Control of Vibration in Mechanical Systems
1.4.1 Free and forced vibration
If a system vibrates on its own aft er an i nitial di sturbance and no ext ernal force acts
on it, the ensuing vibration is known as f ree vibration. A direct example of free
vibration is the oscillation of a simple pendulum.
If a system vibration is due to an external force, the arising vibratio n is k nown as
forced vib ration. The oscillation in machines such as diesel engines that results from
an external force is an example of forced vibration. If the f requency of the external
force coin ci des with one of the natur al f requencies of the system, the p henomenon
known as resonance occurs, and the system undergoes oscillation. The occurrence of
that resonance causing large oscillation may lead to failu res of some str uctures such
as buildings, bridges, turbines, and airplane wings.
1.4.2 Damped a nd undamped vibration
If durin g oscillation there is no energy lost or dissipated in friction or other resistance,
the vibration is known as undamped vibration. On the other hand, if there is energy
lost during oscillation, it is called damped vibration. When analyzing vibration near
resonance in physical systems, consideration of damping becomes extremely impor-
1.4.3 Linear and nonlinear vibration
If all the b asic components in a vibratory system such as sprin g, mass and damper
behave linearly, the resulting vibr at ion is classified as linear vibration. On the o ther
hand, if any of the basic components behaves nonlin early, the vibration is categorized
as nonlinear vibration. Linear and nonlinear differential equations are used to govern
the behaviors of lin ear and n onlinear vibratory systems, respectively. If a vibration is
linear, the principle of linear systems such as superpositio n holds, and there are well
developed mathematical tool s for analysis. As for nonlinear vibration, the superposi-
tion principle is n ot valid, and techniques of analysis are more complicated and less
well known. Since all vibratory systems tend to behave nonlinearly with respect to
amplitude level o f oscillation, some knowledge of nonlinear vibration is desirable in
dealing with practical vibratory systems. A s is known, a d escribing function is one
approximation metho d used to analyze nonlinear vibratory systems.
1.4.4 Deterministic and random vibration
A vibration is known as det erministic vibration if it results from an excitation with
value or amplitude known at any given time. In some cases, the excitation acting on
a vibratory system is nondeterministic or random, and the value of the excitation at
a given time cannot be predicted. In these cases, a large amount of excitation dat a
collected may exhibit some statist ical regularity. Statistical methods can be used for
analysis, as it is possible to estimate averages such as the mean and vari ance values
of the random excitation. Examples of random excitations are air flow inside hard