210 CHAPTER 15
we customarily reverse the scale provided by this ratio by subtracting the ratio from
one. (If this does not make intuitive good sense to you, try it with some numbers.
For example, 0.2 on a scale from zero to one becomes 0.8 on a scale from one to
zero.) This ratio, when subtracted from one, is called r
= 1 −
(sum of the squares of residuals)
The ratio, r
, amounts to a ratio of variances. The denominator is the original vari-
ance in Y (omitting only the step of dividing by n – 1) and the numerator is the
variance that Y has from the best-fit straight line (again omitting only the step of
dividing by n – 1). Including the step of dividing by n – 1 would have no effect on
the result since it would occur symmetrically in both numerator and denominator.
If the variation from the best-fit straight line is much less than the original vari-
ation of Y from its mean, then the value of r
is large (approaching one) and the
best-fit straight line is a good fit indeed. If the variation from the best-fit straight
line is almost as large as the original variation of Y from its mean, then the value
of r
is small (approaching zero) and the best-fit straight line is not a very good
fit at all. Following from this logic, it is common to regard r
as a measure of the
proportion of the total variation in Y explained by the regression. This also follows
from our consideration of the residuals as variation unexplained or unpredicted by
the regression equation. All this, of course, amounts to a rather narrow mathematical
definition of “explaining variation,” but it is useful nonetheless within the constraints
of linear regression. For our example, r
turns out to be 0.535, meaning that 53.5%
of the variation in number of hoes per collection of 100 artifacts is explained or
accounted for by site area. This is quite a respectable amount of variation to account
for in this way.
More commonly used than r
, is its square root, r, which is also known as
Pearson’s r or the product-moment correlation coefficient or just the correlation
coefficient. We speak, then, of the correlation between two measurement variables
as a measure of how good a fit the best-fit straight line is. Since r
ranges from zero
to one, then its square root must also range from zero to one. While r
must always
be positive (squares of anything always are), r can be either positive or negative.
We give r the same sign as b, the slope of the best-fit straight line. As a conse-
quence, a positive value of r corresponds to a best-fit straight line with a positive
slope and thus to a positive relationship between X and Y , that is, a relationship in
which as X increases Y also increases. A negative value of r corresponds to a best-
fit straight line with a negative slope and thus to a negative relationship between X
and Y, that is, a relationship in which as X increases Y decreases. The correlation
coefficient r, then, indicates the direction of the relationship between X and Y by its
sign, and it indicates the strength of the relationship between X and Y by its abso-
lute value on a scale from zero for no relationship to one for a perfect relationship
(the strongest possible). In our example, r = −0.731, which represents a relatively
strong (although negative) correlation.