Be Careful How You Say It
In conclusion to the chi-square example in the text, we can say “The difference
between the San Pablo site and the San Pedro site with respect to proportions
of bowl sherds and jar sherds is not very significant (
= 1.544, .50 > p >
.20).” This statement makes clear just what differences were investigated; it
informs the reader what significance test was used, since
is the result of
the chi-square test; and it provides the reader with the resulting statistic and its
associated probability.
It would not be adequate to conclude this significance test simply by say-
ing, “The San Pablo site and the San Pedro site do not differ significantly in
proportions of bowl and jar sherds.” In the first place, this latter statement does
not tell the reader what significance test was used or provide its specific results.
In the second place, it treats significance as a simple “yes” or “no” condition,
which is at the least an oversimplification. On this last score, the inadequate
statement even tends to mislead. The
value obtained (1.544) actually falls
fairly close to the 20% significance column. Interpolating from the table, then,
the actual probability must be only slightly greater than 20%. Put another way,
the confidence we have that the two sites actually differ in bowl and jar sherd
proportions is somewhere near 80%. We should, then, be saying that there is
almost an 80% chance that the differences observed between the two samples
actually do reflect differences between the sites rather than just the vagaries
of sampling. The risk is still substantial (slightly over 20%) that nothing more
may be at work here than the random variation of samples, but it is certainly
more likely that there actually are differences in bowl and jar sherd proportions
between the two sites. The last thing we want to do on the basis of this signif-
icance test is to act as if we have established that the two sites have the same
proportions of bowl and jar sherds. This is why it is worth communicating that
the odds favor the conclusion that there is a difference between the sites, even
though there remains a worrisomely large risk that this may not be the case.
Under the influence of the near-sacred 5% significance level for rejecting or
failing to reject the null hypothesis (see Chapter
12), people are accustomed to
characterizing significance levels around 5% as “high.” When the significance
level reaches 1% or less, it is common to characterize it as “very high.” A sig-
nificance level around 20%, as in the example in the text, would usually be
called “low.” While it may seem that we’ve gone all the way from “very high”
to “low” while staying pretty much toward one end of the scale, it is reason-
able to think in such terms because, once the significance level goes far above
20%, the risk that the samples differ only because of the vagaries of sampling
is so great that the result merits little attention. A difference between samples
that is “highly significant” corresponds to “high confidence” that there is a dif-
ference. Note, though, that “high” significance corresponds to low associated
significance probabilities (say, 5% or less), and “low” significance corresponds
to high associated significance probabilities (say, around 20% or greater).