690 Part D Scattering Theory
45.5 G. F. Gribakin, V. V. Flambaum: Phys. Rev. A 48,546
45.6 Z. L. Petovi c, T. F. O’Malley, R. W. Crompton: J. Phys.
B 28, 3309 (1995)
45.7 K. W. Ford, J. A. Wheeler: Ann. Phys. (NY) 7,259
45.8 K. W. Ford, J. A. Wheeler: Ann. Phys. (NY) 7, 287
45.9 M. V. Berry, K. E. Mount: Rep. Prog. Phys. 35,315
45.10 H. S. W. Massey, E. H. S. Burhop, H. B. Gilbody
(Eds.): Electronic and Ionic Impact Phenomena,
Vol. 1–5 (Clarendon, Oxford 1969–1974)
45.11 E. W. McDaniel, J. B. A. Mitchell, M. E. Rudd: Atomic
Collisions: Heavy Particle Projectiles (Wiley, New
York 1993) Chap. 1, p. 47
(A) Textbooks on Scattering Theory
G.1 N. F. Mott, H. S. W. Massey: The Theory of Atom-
ic Collisions, 3rd edn., (Clarendon, Oxford 1965)
Chaps. 2–5
G.2 R. G. Newton: Scattering Theory of Waves and Par-
ticles (McGraw-Hill, New York 1966)
G.3 L. S. Rodberg, R. M. Thaler: Introduction to the
Quantum Theory of Scattering (Academic, New York
G.4 H. S. W. Massey, E. H. S. Burhop, H. B. Gilbody (Eds.):
Electronic and Ionic Impact Phenomena (Clarendon,
Oxford 1969 –1974) Vols. 1–5
G.5 M. R. C. McDowell, J. P. Coleman: Introduction to
the Theory of Ion-Atom Collisions (North-Holland,
Amsterdam 1970)
G.6 M. S. Child: Molecular Collision Theory (Academic,
New York 1974)
G.7 C. J. Joachain: Quantum Collision Theory (North-
Holland, Amsterdam 1975)
G.8 L. D. Landau, E. M. Lifshitz: Course of Theoretical
Physics, 3rd edn. (Pergamon, Oxford 1976) Vol. 1,
G.9 H. Eyring, S. H. Lin, S. M. Lin: Basic Chem-
ical Kinetics (Wiley, New York 1980) Chap. 3,
p. 81
G.10 B. H. Bransden: Atomic Collision Theory,
2nd edn. (Benjamin-Cummings, Menlo Park
G.11 B. H. Bransden, C. J. Joachain: Physics of Atoms and
Molecules (Wiley, New York 1983)
G.12 E. E. Nikitin, S. Ya. Umanski
ı: Theory of Slow
Atomic Collisions (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
G.13 E. W. McDaniel: Atomic Collisions: Electron and Pho-
ton Projectiles (Wiley, New York 1989) Chaps. 3 and
4, p. 71
G.14 M. S. Child: Semiclassical Mechanics with Molecular
Applications (Clarendon, Oxford 1991)
G.15 A. G. Sitenko: Scattering Theory (Springer, Berlin,
Heidelberg 1991)
G.16 E. W. McDaniel, J. B. A. Mitchell, M. E. Rudd: Atomic
Collisions: Heavy Particle Projectiles (Wiley, New
York 1993) Chap. 1, p. 1
(B) Chapters in Edited Books
G.17 E. H. Burhop: Quantum Theory I. Elements,ed.by
D. R. Bates (Academic, New York 1961), Chap. 9, p.
G.18 E. A. Mason, J. T. Vanderslice: High-Energy Elas-
tic Scattering of Atoms, Molecules and Ions,
in Atomic and Molecular Processes,ed.by
D. R. Bates (Academic, New York 1962) Chap. 17,
p. 663
G.19 B. L. Moiseiwitsch: Atomic and Molecular Processes,
edited by D. R. Bates (Academic, New York 1962),
G.20 A. Dalgarno: Ion-Molecule Reactions,ed.by
E. W. McDaniel, V.
ak, A. Dalgarno, E. E. Fer-
guson, L. Friedman (Wiley, New York 1970) Chap. 3,
p. 159
G.21 K. W. Ford, J. A. Wheeler: Semiclassical Description
of Scattering, Ann. Phys. (NY) 7, 259 (1959)
G.22 K. W. Ford, J. A. Wheeler: Applications of Semiclas-
sical Scattering Analysis, ibid. 287 (1959)
G.23 M. V. Berry, K. E. Mount: Semiclassical Approxima-
tions in Wave Mechanics, Rep. Prog. Phys. 35,315
G.24 W. H. Miller: Adv. Chem. Phys. 25, 69 (1974)
G.25 W. H. Miller: Adv. Chem. Phys. 30, 77 (1975)
G.26 M. S. Child: Dynamics of Molecular Collisions: Part
B, edited by W. H. Miller (Plenum Press, New York
1976) Chap. 4, p. 171
G.27 H. Pauly: Atom-Molecule Collision Theory: A Guide
for the Experimentalist ed. by R. B. Bernstein
(Plenum Press, New York 1979) Chap. 4, p. 111
Part D G