Orientation and Alignment in Atomic and Molecular Collisions References 703
tan γ
sin Θ
cos Θ
where x =[E/(E −∆E)]
.For∆E > 0, γ
is al-
ways negative, with its minimum value when ∆k⊥ k
Any theoretical effort beyond the FBA involves serious
46.4 Recent Developments
46.4.1 S → D Excitation
The generalization of the formalism of Sect. 46.2.2 to
the case of S → D excitation involves the introduction
of three scattering amplitudes, corresponding to a com-
plete parameter set of one cross section, two relative
amplitude sizes, and two relative phases. Analysis shows
that a full coherence analysis of the light emitted in the
subsequent D → P optical decay is not sufficient for
a complete experiment, instead two solutions are ob-
tained. A triple coincidence experiment may resolve the
ambiguity [46.19].
46.4.2 P → P Excitation
By proper optical preparation of the atomic target,
collision studies involving specific excited states may
be performed as a function of scattering angle. For
collision-induced P → P transitions, a systematic prepa-
ration of specific initial P states, combined with Stokes
parameter analysis of the radiation pattern from the final
P state, may lead to a complete scattering experiment.
The corresponding complete set of nine parameters
describes the process in terms of five independent
scattering amplitudes. In addition to the charge cloud
shape and orientation parameters, three Euler angles
are needed to describe the atomic reference frame
of the charge cloud with respect to the laboratory
frame [46.20].
46.4.3 Relativistic Effects
in S → P Excitation
It has been discussed to what extent relativistic ef-
fects can be studied for excitation of the two fine
structure components of the resonance transitions of
heavy alkali atoms, such as Rb or Cs. For electron-
impact excitation, standard Stokes parameter analysis
turns out to be extremely insensitive to the inclu-
sion of relativistic effects in the numerical treatment,
which explains the success of nonrelativistic theories.
If spin-polarized electrons are used, either in the inci-
dent channel through measurement of spin asymmetries,
or in the final channels by performing a time-reversed
generalized Stokes parameter experiment with a laser-
prepared target and a spin-polarized electron beam,
distinct relativistic effects, typically at the 5% level, may
be revealed [46.21].
46.5 Summary
A selection of fundamental formulas describing ori-
entation and alignment in atomic collisions is given,
with emphasis on the simplest case, S → P excita-
tion. A tutorial introduction to the field with a series
of examples and applications may be found in a recent
textbook [46.22].
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Part D 46