Rydberg Atoms 14.4 Magnetic Fields 241
Field ionization is commonly used to detect Rydberg
atoms in a state selective manner. Experiments are most
often conducted at or near zero field, and afterwards the
field is increased in order to ionize the atoms. Exactly
howthe atoms pass from the low field to the high ionizing
field is quite important. The passage can be adiabatic,
diabatic or anything in between. The selectivity is best
if the passage is purely adiabatic or purely diabatic, for
in these two cases unique paths are followed.
In zero field, optical excitation from a ground s state
leads only to final np states. In the presence of an elec-
tric field, all the Stark states are optically accessible,
because they all have some p character. The fact that
all the Stark states are optically accessible from the
ground state allows the population of arbitrary states
of nonhydrogenic atoms by a technique called Stark
switching [14.6, 14]. In any atom other than H, the
states are nondegenerate in zero field, and each of
them is adiabatically connected to one, and only one,
high field Stark state, as shown by Fig. 14.4. If one of
the Stark states is excited with a laser and the field re-
duced to zero adiabatically, the atoms are left in a single
zero field state.
In zero field, the photoionization cross section is
structureless. However, in an electric field, it exhibits
obvious structure, sometimes termed strong field mix-
ing resonances. Specifically, when ground state s atoms
are exposed to light polarized parallel to the static field,
an oscillatory structure is observed in the cross section,
even above the zero field ionization limit [14.15]. The
origin of the structure can be understood with the aid
of a simple classical picture [14.16, 17]. The electrons
ejected in the downfield direction can simply leave the
atom, while the electrons ejected in the upfield direc-
tion are reflected back across the ionic core and also
leave the atom in the downfield direction. The wave
packets corresponding to these two classical trajecto-
ries are added, and they can interfere constructively or
destructively at the ionic core depending on the phase
accumulation of the reflected wave packet. Since the
phase depends on the energy, there is an oscillation in
the photoexcitation spectrum. This model suggests that
no oscillations should be observed for light polarized
perpendicular to the static field, and none are. The os-
cillations can also be thought of as arising from the
remnants of quasistable extreme blue Stark states which
have been shifted above the ionization limit, and, using
this approach or a WKB approach, one can show that the
spacing between the oscillations at the zero field limit is
∆E = E
The initial photoexcitation experiments were done
using narrow bandwidth lasers, so that the time de-
pendence of the classical pictures was not explicitly
observed. Using mode locked lasers it has been possible
to create a variety of Rydberg wave packets [14.20, 21]
and observe, in effect, the classical motion of an elec-
tron in an atom. Of particular interest, it has been
possible to directly observe the time delay of the ejec-
tion of electrons subsequent to excitation in an electric
field [14.22].
14.4 Magnetic Fields
To first order, the energy shift of a Rydberg atom due
to a magnetic field B (the Zeeman effect) is propor-
tional to the angular momentum of the atom. Since the
states optically accessible from the ground state have
low angular momenta, the energy shifts are the same as
those of low-lying atomic states. In contrast, the sec-
ond order diamagnetic energy shifts are proportional to
the area of the Rydberg electron’s orbit and scale as
[14.23]. The diamagnetic interaction mixes the
states, allowing all to be excited from the ground state,
and produces large shifts to higher energies. The energy
levels as a function of magnetic field are reminiscent
of the Stark energy levels shown in Fig. 14.5, differing
in that the energy shifts are quadratic in the magnetic
One of the most striking phenomena in magnetic
fields is the existence of quasi-Landau resonances,
spaced by ∆E = 3
B/2, in the photoionization cross
section above the ionization limit [14.24]. The ori-
gin of this structure is similar to the origin of the
strong field mixing resonances observed in electric
fields. An electron ejected in the plane perpendicu-
lar to the B fields is launched into a circular orbit
and returns to the ionic core. The returning wave
packet can be in or out of phase with the one
leaving the ionic core, and thus, can interfere con-
structively or destructively with it. While the electron
motioninthexy-plane is bound, motion in the
z-direction is unaffected by the magnetic field and
is unbounded above the ionization limit, leading to
resonances of substantial width. The Coulomb poten-
tial does provide some binding in the z-direction and
allows the existence of quasistable three-dimensional
orbits [14.25].
Part B 14.4