Rydberg Atoms in Strong Static Fields References 251
15.4 Nuclear-Mass Effects
So far, only the relative motion of the electron with
respect to the ionic core has been described. This is
appropriate if the nucleus can be assumed to be infinitely
heavy and thus not to take part in the motion. To include
the effects of a finite nuclear mass, the description must
start from the coupled two-body Hamiltonian and then
work toward a separation of the internal dynamics from
the center-of-mass (CM) motion.
It turns out that in the presence of a magnetic
field, unlike the field-free two-body problem, a com-
plete separation of the relative and CM motions is
impossible. Instead, only a pseudo-separation can be
achieved, where the relative and CM motions remain
coupled through a new constant of motion called the
pseudomomentum K [15.57]. This coupling introduces
a number of novel effects into the dynamics (see [15.58]
for a detailed discussion).
The influence of the CM motion on the internal dy-
namics is twofold: on the one hand, the motion of the
atom in the magnetic field causes an induced electric
field (motional Stark effect). On the other hand, the ki-
netic energy of the CM motion gives rise to an additional
confining potential for the internal motion that could, in
principle, locate the electron at a large distance from the
nucleus, and produce atomic states with a huge dipole
Conversely, the motion of the CM is driven
by the internal motion, most strongly so in the
case of vanishing pseudomomentum. It thus re-
flects the transition from regular to chaotic internal
dynamics: A regular internal motion leads to a reg-
ular CM motion, whereas chaotic internal dynamics,
for K = 0, give rise to a classical diffusion of the
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