Angular Momentum Theory References 73
2.8 A. P. Jucys, A. A. Bandzaitis: Angular Momentum
Theory in Quantum Physics (Moksias, Vilnius 1977)
2.9 R. P. Stanley: Enumerative Combinatorics,Vol.1
(Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge 1997)
2.10 A. Clebsch: Theorie der binären algebraischen For-
men (Teubner, Leipzig 1872)
2.11 J. D. Louck, W. Y. C. Chen, H. W. Galbraith: Symme-
try, Structural Properties of Condensed Matter,
T. Lulek, B. Lulek, A. Wal (World Scientific, Singapore
1999) pp. 112–137
2.12 W. Y. C. Chen, J. D. Louck: Adv. Math. 140, 207 (1998)
2.13 P. A. MacMahon: Combinatory Analysis (Cambridge
Univ. Press, Cambridge 1960) (Chelsia Publishing Co.,
New York, 1960) (Originally published in two volumes
by Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1915, 1916)
2.14 J. D. Louck: Adv. Appl. Math. 17, 143 (1996)
2.15 T. Molien: Über die Invarianten der linearen Substi-
tutionsgruppen, Sitzungsber. Konig. Preuss. Akad.
Wiss. 52, 1152 (1897)
2.16 L. Michel, B. I. Zhilinskii: Physics Reports 341, 11 (2001)
2.17 L. Wei: Comput. Phys. Commun. 120, 222 (1999)
2.18 A. R. Edmonds: Angular Momentum in Quantum Me-
chanics (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton 1957)
2.19 E. Cartan: Thesis (Paris, Nony 1894) [Ouevres Com-
plète, Part 1, pp. 137–287 (Gauthier-Villars, Paris
2.20 H. Weyl: Gruppentheorie und Quantenmechanik
(Hirzel, Leipzig 1928) Translated by H. P. Robertson
as The Theory of Groups and Quantum Mechanics
(Methuen, London 1931)
2.21 P. A. M. Dirac: The Principles of Quantum Mechanics,
4th edn. (Oxford Univ. Press, London 1958)
2.22 M. Born, P. Jordan: Elementare Quantenmechanik
(Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 1930)
2.23 H. B. G. Casimir: Thesis, University of Leyden (Wolters,
Groningen 1931) [Koninkl. Ned. Akad. Wetenschap,
Proc. 34, 844 (1931)]
2.24 B. L. van der Waerden: Die gruppentheoretische
Methode in der Quantenmechanik (Springer, Berlin,
Heidelberg 1932)
2.25 W. Pauli: Handbuch der Physik,Vol.24,
H. Geiger, K. Scheel (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
1933) Chap. 1, pp. 83–272. Later published in Ency-
clopedia of Physics, Vol. 5, Part 1, ed. by S. Flügge
(Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 1958), pp. 45, 46
2.26 H. Weyl: The Structure and Representations of
Continuous Groups, Lectures at the Institute for Ad-
vanced Study. Princeton, 1934-1935 (unpublished).
Notes by R. Brauer
2.27 E. U. Condon, G. H. Shortley: The Theory of Atomic
Spectra (Cambridge Univ. Press, London 1935)
2.28 H. A. Kramers: Quantum Mechanics (North-Holland,
Amsterdam 1957) Translation by D. ter Haar of
Kramer’s monograph published in the Hand- und
Jahrbuch der chemischen Physik (1937)
2.29 G. Szegö: Orthogonal Polynomials (Edwards, Ann
Arbor 1948)
2.30 I. M. Gel’fand, Z. Ya. Shapiro: Am. Math. Soc. Transl.
2, 207 (1956)
2.31 A. Erdelyi, W. Magnus, F. Oberhettinger, G. F. Tri-
comi: Higher Transcendental Functions,Vol.1
(McGraw-Hill, New York 1953)
2.32 E. P. Wigner: Application of Group Theory to the
Special Functions of Mathematical Physics. Lecture
notes, 1955 (unpublished)
2.33 H. C. Brinkman: Applications of Spinor Invariants in
Atomic Physics (North-Holland, Amsterdam 1956)
2.34 M. E. Rose: Elementary Theory of Angular Momentum
(Wiley, New York 1957)
2.35 U.Fano,G.Racah:Irreducible Tensorial Sets (Aca-
demic, New York 1959)
2.36 E. P. Wigner: Group Theory and Its Application to the
Quantum Mechanics of Atomic Spectra (Academic,
New York 1959) Translation from the 1931 German
edition by J. J. Griffin
2.37 J. C. Slater: Quantum Theory of Atomic Structure,
Vol. 2 (McGraw-Hill, New York 1960)
2.38 V. Heine: Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics; An
Introduction to Its Present Usage (Pergamon, New
York 1960)
2.39 W. T. Sharp: Thesis, Princeton University (1960) (is-
sued as Report AECL-1098, Atomic Energy of Canada,
Chalk River, Ontario (1960))
2.40 D. M. Brink, G. R. Satchler: Angular Momentum (Ox-
ford Univ. Press, London 1962)
2.41 M. Hamermesh: Group Theory and Its Applications to
Physical Problems (Addison-Wesley, Reading 1962)
2.42 G. W. Mackey: The Mathematical Foundations
of Quantum Mechanics (Benjamin, New York
2.43 A. de-Shalit, I. Talmi: Nuclear Shell Theory (Pure and
Applied Physics Series), Vol. 14 (Academic, New York
2.44 R. P. Feynman: Feynman Lectures on Physics
(Addison-Wesley, Reading 1963) Chap. 34
2.45 R. Judd: Operator Techniques in Atomic Spectroscopy
(McGraw-Hill, New York 1963)
2.46 A. S. Davydov: Quantum Mechanics (Pergamon,
London, Addison-Wesley, Reading 1965) Transla-
tion from the Russian of Kvantovaya Mekhanika
(Moscow, 1963), with revisions and additions by
D. ter Haar
2.47 I. M. Gel’fand, R. A. Minlos, Z. Ya. Shapiro: Represen-
tations of the Rotation and Lorentz Groups and Their
Applications (Macmillan, New York 1963) Translated
from the Russian by G. Cummins and T. Boddington
2.48 R. Hagedorn: Selected Topics on Scattering The-
ory: Part IV, Angular Momentum, Lectures given
at the Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Munich
2.49 M. A. Naimark: Linear Representations of the Lorentz
Group (Pergamon, New York 1964)
2.50 L. C. Biedenharn, H. van Dam: Quantum Theory of
Angular Momentum (Academic, New York 1965)
Part A 2