98 Part A Mathematical Methods
corresponding matrix elements of general spin-orbital
U(2n) generators in terms of which the relevant spin-
dependent terms may be expressed. This was first done
in the context of the symmetric group and Racah algebra
by Dr ake and Schlesinger [4.78] and later on in terms of
the Gel’fand–Paldus tableaux [4.102–106].
In general, the U(2n) generators e
iσ, jτ
≡ e
may be
resolved into the spin-shift components e(±)
that in-
crease (+) or decrease (−) the total spin S by one unit
and the zero-spin component e(0)
that preserves S.
The relevant matrix elements can then be expressed in
terms of the matrix elements of a single U(n) adjoint ten-
sor operator ∆, which is given by the following second
degree polynomial in U(n) generators,
∆ = E(E+ N/2 − n− 2), E =E
and by the well-known matrix elements of U(2) or SU(2)
generators in terms of the pure spin states [4.102, 103]
(see also [4.107, 108]). The operator (4.107), referred
to as the Gould–Paldus operator [4.109], also plays
a key role in the determination of reduced density ma-
trices [4.110, 111], and has been recently exploited in
the multireference spin-adapted variant of the density
functional theory [4.109].
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Part A 4