64 Energy in planetary processes
capacity. Above a certain temperature the quantum energy levels become so close together
that the classical continuous approximation – Dulong and Petit’s law – becomes valid. This
temperature is characteristic for each substance and is known as the Debye temperature,
. The Debye temperature for most minerals is of the order of several hundred to ∼10
Heat capacity becomes a weak function of temperature above θ
, as shown by Fig. 1.15.
Interestingly, Dulong and Petit’s approximation also works for some liquids. For example,
the heat capacity of water is ∼75JK
≈ 9R, corresponding to 3R for each of the
three atoms in the H
O molecule.
1.15 An overview of the properties of matter and equations of state
Equations of state (EOS) are an essentialcomponent in the study of the physics and chemistry
of planetary bodies. We will discuss different types of EOS in considerable detail in Chapters
8 and 9. Here we define some concepts about the possible states of matter in planetary
environments. This will allow us to better define the P –V –T ranges over which different
types of EOS are applicable. Solids and liquids are condensed phases, whereas gases are
non-condensed phases. Both liquids and gases are fluids. Gases are non-condensed fluids,
which means that they expand indefinitely as pressure decreases, whereas we call liquids
condensed fluids because, as solids, they do not behave in this manner. These contrasting
macroscopic behaviors arise from differences between condensed and non-condensed fluids
in the relative magnitudes of the intermolecular potentials (or forces), compared to thermal
energy. A vapor is a gas in equilibrium with its liquid, and a melt is a liquid in equilibrium
with its solid. For all substances it is an empirical observation that, as temperature increases,
the material properties of liquid and vapor at equilibrium approach each other, until the two
phases become indistinguishable at a temperature called the critical temperature. Above
the critical temperature a single fluid phase is stable, called a supercritical fluid.
Here we describe the behavior of matter in terms of temperature and density (i.e. the
inverse of volume). Density is a better choice than pressure for this exercise because we
can relate it directly to a description of the material at the atomic scale, something which is
not generally the case with pressure. The arguments and conclusions are summarized in a
density–temperature diagram, Fig. 1.16, which is rather busy and will take some explaining.
The physical inspiration for this discussion comes from Shalom et al.(2002), who present
detailed mathematical arguments; I have added the planetary applications. A review of
recent developments in the high density region of the diagram is given by Drake (2010).
The horizontal coordinate in the diagram is temperature in Kelvin. Let the thermal energy of
microscopic particles (molecules, atoms, ions, etc.) be ε
. From our discussion in Section
1.14 we conclude that ε
is of order k
T, which we symbolize with the ∼ symbol, i.e.
T .
∼ k
T. The justification for this statement is that particles carry an energy equal to
T per degree of freedom, and the number of degrees of freedom is a small number, of
order 1–10.
At sufficiently high temperature atoms become ionized as a result of interatomic col-
lisions. This happens when their thermal energy is of the same order as their ionization
energy, i.e., the energy required to detach an electron from an atom. By equating the ion-
ization energy of an element to k
T we can estimate the temperature at which thermal
ionization takes place. Note, however, that because energies of individual atoms are not
all the same but follow a statistical distribution (e.g., Fig. 1.12), ionization actually takes