619 13.1 Gravitational binding of planetary atmospheres
Comparing these values with Fig. 13.1 reveals no correlation between atmospheric mass
and ^. What determines atmospheric mass, then? We begin by considering planetary accre-
tion, the bulk of which must have taken place while the growing solid bodies were immersed
in the solar nebula. Rocky planets are likely to have had primordial atmospheres of solar
composition, i.e. dominated by hydrogen and helium. These primordial atmospheres persist
in the giant planets (which have a rocky core – the image that comes to mind is that of a
dandelion), but they have been lost from the solid planets (think of dandelions after you
blow on them). Loss of primordial atmospheres probably took place by a combination of
gradual processes, such as thermal and non-thermal escape (see Hunten, 1973; Chamber-
lain & Hunten, 1987), and catastrophic processes such as atmospheric blowoff caused by
large impacts (Pepin, 1997). This physical picture is supported by the observed abundances
and isotopic compositions of noble gases in planetary atmospheres (Pepin, 2006). It is
unlikely that whatever atmosphere the proto-Earth may have had would have been capable
of surviving the Moon-forming event.
Present day atmospheres are therefore “secondary”, in the sense that they were acquired
after, and perhaps long after, planetary accretion was substantially completed, and the pri-
mordial atmospheres had been lost. The present day atmospheric masses and compositions
are therefore determined by the relative rates of addition, removal and modification of
individual volatile species since loss of the nebular atmosphere. Buildup of the secondary
atmospheres must have occurred via a combination of late accretion of volatile-rich mate-
rials (e.g. comets) and volcanic outgassing. The rates of these two processes during the
formative stages of the present-day atmospheres, almost certainly more than 4 billion years
ago, are very difficult to pin down with any degree of certainty. Yet those rates are largely
responsible for determining the initial masses and chemical compositions of the secondary
atmospheres. Crucially, the compositions of volcanic gases and cometary volatiles are likely
to have been different, and are poorly constrained.
Removal of volatile species is perhaps easier to constrain. It takes place by three distinct
pathways: escape to space, condensation, and chemical reaction with the planet’s surface
materials. As we saw above, the effectiveness of the first of these pathways depends at least
in part on the planet’s mass (i.e. its gravitational attraction) and distance from the Sun (i.e.
temperature), and may selectively remove light volatile species. For instance, we can expect
that molecular and atomic hydrogen escape planetary atmospheres much more effectively
than, say, molecular nitrogen or carbon dioxide, and that hydrogen loss will be more severe
from Venus and Mars than from Earth (Fig. 13.1). Hydrogen-bearing molecules such as
O and CH
are photodissociated in the upper atmosphere (Section 12.4.2). Escape of the
resulting hydrogen atoms is equivalent to an irreversible loss of water or methane, and an
increase in the oxidation state of the planet’s surface. Replenishment of these species in the
atmosphere by evaporation of liquid or solid reservoirs provides a continuous pathway for
planetary desiccation and oxidation (Chapter 14), which may have gone to near completion
in Venus and perhaps somewhat less in Mars.
Condensation of volatile species removes them from the atmosphere and tends to protect
them from escape. The process is particularly efficient if volatile species freeze, as in
Europa, Ganymede, Callisto and Triton. The surfaces of these bodies can be thought of
as collapsed atmospheres, that have been protected from escape by virtue of the very low
vapor pressures in equilibrium with solid phases. Since the rate of photodissociation is
proportional to concentration (e.g. equation (12.83)), the low vapor pressure of H
equilibrium with a planetary surface composed of ice hinders hydrogen loss.