434 Thermodynamics of planetary volatiles
Figure 9.5a shows π =π(φ) calculated with (9.37) along three isotherms, and Fig. 9.5b
shows (∂π/∂φ)
along the same three isotherms. The supercritical isotherm, τ = 1.5, is
reminiscent of the hyperbola P ∼ 1/V that describes an ideal gas. Its slope is always
negative, implying that a single phase of continuously variable density is stable everywhere
along the isotherm. The critical isotherm, τ =1, tends to become parallel to the supercritical
isotherm at low densities (large φ) but is generally steeper than the latter at high densities.
This hints at the existence of two distinct fluids: a highly incompressible high density
fluid for which (∂π/∂φ)
→−∞and a fairly compressible low density fluid for which
approaches a small negative value (see Fig. 9.5b). One could identify the former
with a condensed phase (liquid) and the latter with a non-condensed phase (gas), but along
the critical isotherm there is continuity between both states, because there is no first-order
phase transition between them. To see this, note that the critical point, τ = π = φ = 1, is
the only point on this isotherm for which (∂π/∂φ)
= 0 and, since this point corresponds
to a maximum of the first derivative function (Fig. 9.5b), the second derivative vanishes
too, as we expected from (9.36). At the critical point the bulk modulus vanishes, but since
it never becomes negative there is no region of the critical isotherm inside which a single
fluid phase is prohibited from existing.
Along the subcritical isotherm, τ = 0.7, there is an interval, shown by the broken seg-
ment in Fig. 9.5a, inside which (∂π/∂φ)
is positive, as seen in the corresponding curve
in Fig. 9.5b. This “prohibited” interval extends from a minimum to a maximum on the
isotherm, as it must given that (∂π/∂φ)
vanishes at both ends of the interval. Of course, it
is possible to have an equilibrium system with {τ,π,φ} coordinates inside this region, but
the thermodynamic relations summarized in Fig. 9.5, which we will explore in more detail
in a moment, mandate that this system cannot consist of a single phase. It must be made up of
two phases that lie on the same isotherm but on opposite sides of the prohibited region, and
at the same pressure. In this case we can identify the low-volume phase as a liquid and the
high-volume phase as its vapor. Note, however, that the diagrams in this figure by themselves
cannot tell us what the volumes of the phases that coexist at equilibrium are. In particular,
these are not the volumes at the ends of the prohibited interval, first because they do not lie
at the same pressure and second because, in this case, one of the volumes corresponds to
the unphysical condition π < 0. The latter is not a general constrain, as isotherms closer to
τ =1 never take negative π values, but the former is (as an aside, negative pressures are not
altogether impossible, but their magnitude is limited by the cohesiveness of the material).
There is a π interval, between 0 and the maximum on the isotherm located at the right end
of the broken segment, within which (9.37) has two solutions in φ for each value of π,on
opposite sides of the prohibited interval. The thin dashed line is an example, with the two
solutions shown by the diamonds. The phase rule assures us that one and only one of these
solution pairs along each isotherm represents thermodynamic equilibrium, as we have a
system of one component and two phases, and therefore one degree of freedom, which we
have chosen to be the temperature. The phase rule does not tell us, of course, which is
the equilibrium pair. What we can be certain about, however, and what characterizes the
subcritical region, is that the two phases must be separated by a first-order phase transition,
because there is a discontinuity in volume and hence in enthalpy and entropy.
In order to find the volumes of coexisting liquid and vapor at equilibrium we begin by
calculating the Helmholtz free energy of the fluid. This we do by integrating (9.34) and
substituting the van der Waals EOS (equation (9.27)). The result is (check with Maple):