390 Equations of state for solids
8.2.2 Thermal expansion at zero pressure
Recalling the definition of the coefficient of thermal expansion, equation (1.66):
α =
we see that volume at zero pressure and the temperature of interest is given by:
α dT
, (8.11)
where V
is the volume at zero pressure and the reference temperature T
(generally, 298 K).
Evaluating 8.11 requires a function α = α(T ).
The behavior of the coefficient of thermal expansion with temperature parallels that of
heat capacity. In Section 1.14.3 we saw that heat capacity increases strongly with T at low
temperature, and that the T dependency becomes weaker as the Debye temperature of the
material θ
is approached. Figure 8.2a shows this relationship, plotted as non-dimensional
heat capacity vs. non-dimensional temperature for three minerals, periclase, corundum
and forsterite, for which the values of θ
are approximately 940 K, 1040 K and 760 K,
respectively (data from Anderson et al., 1992). In the graph I have normalized temperature
to θ
and heat capacity to the Dulong and Petit values (Section for each of the
three minerals. This procedure makes the regularity of the behavior hinted at in Fig. 1.15
strikingly clear. What is perhaps even more remarkable is that thermal expansion behaves in
essentially the same way. This is shown in Fig. 8.2b, in which I normalized the coefficients
of thermal expansion for the same three minerals to the values measured at or close to the
Debye temperature, symbolized by α
. The reason for the similar behavior arises from
the fact that heat capacity and thermal expansion are both macroscopic manifestations of
changes in atomic vibration modes. The importance of the trends shown in Fig. 8.2 for our
present purposes is that they suggest that we can represent thermal expansion coefficients
with polynomial functions similar to the ones used to express heat capacity as a function
of temperature. There appears to be less common ground regarding the actual function that
should be used to represent thermal expansion than there is for heat capacity, though. For
instance, Berman (1988) and Chatterjee et al. (1998) propose two-parameter polynomials,
Saxena et al. (1993) a polynomial with four parameters, and Holland and Powell (1998)a
single-parameter equation.
8.2.3 Bulk modulus at zero pressure
The second parameter required for the “hot isothermal compression” approach is the bulk
modulus at zero pressure and the temperature of interest: K
. Measurements show that
the bulk modulus of minerals decreases linearly with increasing temperature (i.e., minerals
become weaker with increasing temperature). This is exemplified in Fig. 8.3, which is drawn
for the same minerals shown in Fig. 8.2 (data from Anderson et al., 1992). The behavior of
bulk modulus with temperature is quite regular and, in contrast to heat capacity and thermal
expansion, does not appear to be significantly affected by whether the mineral is above
or below its Debye temperature. One could infer from Fig. 8.3 that our problem is easily
solved, as one would just need to obtain data such as those in this figure for all minerals,
and values of K
would be readily available for any temperature. Alas, this is not the