352 Critical phase transitions
corollary follows that a solvus can exist only between condensed phases that have the same
or very similar microscopic structures, such that complete miscibility is possible at some
temperature. Examples include: two feldspars, two pyroxenes, two micas, two metals, two
liquids, etc. (but obviously not two gases, since gases are always fully miscible).
A temperature must exist at which the nature of the system changes from one in which
there is only one phase spanning the entire compositional range between A and B, such
as at T
, to one in which there is a compositional interval within which two phases are
stable, such as at T
. This temperature is called the critical temperature. The two branches
of the solvus converge on the same composition, X
, at the critical temperature, defining
the critical mixing point (X
, T
), see Fig. 7.1. This point is also called the consolute point,
but I prefer critical mixing point because it highlights the deep underlying analogies among
all critical phenomena, that we will explore further below and in Chapter 9.
But what exactly happens at the critical mixing point? If there are two distinct phases,
α and β, that can exist below the critical temperature, but only one above it, is the high-
temperature phase α or β, or something else altogether? The answers to these questions
begin with the middle diagram on the left-hand side of Fig. 7.1, which shows Gibbs free
energy of mixing at the critical temperature, T
. As we saw, for T < T
the Gibbs free energy
function has two inflection points, whereas for T > T
there are no inflection points. Recall
that at an inflection point the curvature of a function changes signs, and hence its second
derivative vanishes. We can move from T > T
to T < T
without any discontinuity, as
all that is entailed in doing so is changing the value of T, which is a continuous variable,
and monitoring how (7.2), which is a continuous function, responds. Somewhere along this
continuous path there must be a temperature – the critical temperature – at which the function
goes from having a second derivative that never vanishes to having a second derivative that
vanishes at two points. The only way in which this can happen without a discontinuity is
if at some temperature, which is the critical temperature, the second derivative vanishes
at one point only. Now, if the function vanishes at X = 0 and X = 1 and has a single
inflection point in between, then the sign of the curvature of the function cannot change at
this inflection point either. Mathematically this means that the third derivative of the Gibbs
free energy function vanishes as well. This special behavior is depicted in the middle left
diagram in Fig. 7.1. It corresponds to a curve that is very flat in the neighborhood of X
It is, if you wish, almost a straight line but not quite. Generally, the fourth derivative is
the lowest order derivative of the Gibbs free energy of mixing that does not vanish at the
critical point (Section 7.4).
Consider a phase of composition X
that forms at T > T
. We shall label any phase that is
stable at T>T
the supercritical phase. If the supercritical phase is cooled instantaneously
to a temperature T<T
it will have a finitely higher Gibbs free energy relative to a mixture
of phases α and β and this Gibbs free energy will act as a driving potential (see Section 5.3.2)
that will cause the single supercritical phase to unmix into a macroscopic mixture of the
subcritical phases α and β (albeit subject to kinetic constraints, Chapter 12). With an exper-
iment of this kind it would in principle be possible to distinguish between the supercritical
phase and the subcritical phases. However, if the final temperature of the experiment is made
progressively higher, all the while keeping it below T
, the driving potential for unmixing
becomes smaller (because the G
curve becomes flatter), and the compositions and
physical properties of the two subcritical phases become closer to one other, and also closer
to those of the supercritical phase. Finally, at T
it is no longer possible to distinguish
between the three phases. There is no discontinuous phase boundary between the supercrit-
ical phase and either of the two subcritical phases. Rather, at the critical point the system