334 Phase equilibrium and phase diagrams
Phase 1 is stable at lower T and higher P than phase 2. A one-phase assemblage in a
binary system has three degrees of freedom, which in this case we choose as P, T and a
chemical potential that is represented by a compositional variable, X(A). Pressure is fixed in
diagram (i) and temperature is fixed in diagram (ii), so each of the one-phase assemblages
is stable over a two-dimensional region (T–X or P–X, respectively) in the phase diagrams.
Each of these regions terminates at a curve (calculated with the corresponding equation
for X
or X
) that represents the location of the phase transition. Inside the shaded area
bound by the two curves the two phases are stable, so that there are two degrees of freedom.
In diagram (i) these are pressure, which is fixed, and either temperature or composition,
whereas in diagram (ii) they are temperature (fixed) and either pressure or composition. At
a given temperature in (i), say T
, and the pressure chosen to construct the diagram, the
compositions of the coexisting phases, X
and X
, and hence all the chemical potentials,
are determined by the solutions to the systems of equations that we derived above, with no
possibility of arbitrarily choosing the value of any other variable. For any combination of
bulk composition and temperature in diagram (i), or bulk composition and pressure in (ii),
that plots inside the shaded regions there are two phases at equilibrium, whose compositions
are given by the intersections of the two bounding curves with the temperature or pressure
coordinate. The two phases can exist at equilibrium at T
, only if the bulk composition
of the system lies between X
and X
. If the system is richer in B relative to this interval
then only phase 1 is stable at these conditions, and conversely only phase 2 is stable in a
system whose bulk composition is richer in A than X
The phase transition in the binary system occurs over a divariant region, rather than along
a univariant curve as in the case of a one-component system. For example, as temperature
rises or pressure falls, phase 1 of composition X
will begin to undergo the transition to
phase 2 at T
, respectively, at which conditions phase 2 of composition X
will form.
In a closed system the two phases may remain at equilibrium, while changing composition,
until T
, are reached, at which point phase 2 will have attained composition X
Further increase of temperature or decrease of pressure will cause phase 1 to disappear.
More interesting behaviors become possible in open systems. For instance, if phase 2 is lost
from the system then the bulk composition shifts in the direction of component B, and the
phase transition will extend beyond T
, conceivably all the way to the values for the
univariant equilibrium in the pure B system, T
or P
The type of phase diagram shown in Fig. 6.18(i), and the different behaviors that are
possible depending on whether the system is closed or open, are of course familiar to geolo-
gists from elementary igneous petrology. They are commonly exemplified by the olivine or
plagioclase melting loops. If the phase diagram corresponds to a melting reaction, then the
curve that maps the upper thermal stability of the solid phase is called the solidus, whereas
the lower thermal stability of the melt is mapped by the liquidus. Note that the solidus and
the liquidus coincide for the two degenerate end-member systems. I wish to present these
results in a different light from that commonly associated with igneous petrology, empha-
sizing their generality and in particular the following three points. First, melting is only
one of the possible types of discontinuous phase transitions involving phases of variable
composition. The thermodynamic relations and topology of the resulting phase diagrams
are the same for other discontinuous phase transitions. Second, temperature has no special
status as an intensive variable. Phase compositions at the transition can also be tracked as
a function of pressure, if it is more convenient. Third, the topology of the phase diagram is
determined by the solutions to sets of equations such as (6.63) and (6.65), (6.64) and (6.65),
and so on. All that these equations require is that the curve that maps the composition of