3 Mechanics of Cutting and Chip Formation 103
that for the material and cutting conditions used, the value of R criterion is always
between 0 and 1 but is not higher than 0.15. Moreover, the increases in all vari-
ables (cutting speed and feed rate) result in the decrease of R value.
3.2.3 Mechanisms of Chip Formation
The nature of chip formation in hard machining is quite different than in more con-
ventional machining. After reviewing the mechanics of this unique type of chip
formation some mechanisms which govern it will be explained and discussed. The
first, simple periodic-cracking based model for producing saw-tooth chips shown in
Figure 3.25 (a), was proposed by Shaw [29]. At point C (case (i)) material in the
free surface begins to rise and assumes a direction CD parallel to the resultant cut-
ting force F
. A shear crack initiates at point D and develops downard along shear
plane DO toward the rake face (case (ii)). When the tool moves, the chip slides
along the cracked surface until the next crack forms at point D′ (case (iii)). Initially
the crack, called a gross crack (GC), will be continuous across the width of the chip
for sufficiently brittle materials, but for less brittle materials at higher cutting
speeds, it may become discontinuous as the crack proceeds towards the tool tip.
Such disconnected localized cracks will be termed microcracks (MC). The distance
between one segment that slides relative to its neighbour during one cycle depends
upon the distance p (C′D′) between cracks on the machined surface. When the chip
pitch p
(Figure 3.28) is higher than p (chip compression ratio k
1 and shear angle
greater than 45°), this is a result of the compressive stresses on the material in the
MC zone. The thinning of the MC region is usually the case when hard steel is
turned with a negative rake tool. On the other hand, material in the GC region is
carried along with the MC material, resulting in k
for the entire chip being greater
than one. There are then two regions as the chip proceeds up the tool face – the ma-
terial between GCs sliding outward and deformation in the MC region resulting in
bending downward and running along the tool face, the concentrated shear bands.
Based on experimental observation, Shaw and Vyas [29] reported that in
face milling of case carburized AISI 8620 steel (61 HRC) with PCBN tools at
m/min, f
0.13 and 0.25
mm/rev and a
0.13 and 0.25
mm the chip for-
mation is of a cyclic saw-tooth type.
In another mechanical model of chip segmentation, segmented chips are pro-
duced by catastrophic strain localization occurring above some critical cutting
speed. As shown in Figure 3.25 (b), catastrophic shear is initiated along the line
B′D′ (inclined at an angle
relative to the workpiece surface) when the tool tip is
at point B′. As the tool moves from B′ to A, the stress required for further defor-
mation along BD decreases due to the thermal softening and the tool experiences
rapid unloading along BE. At the same time, the loads increase along AB as the
material in triangular region B′AB is indented and sheared.
Because the shear zone is nearly adiabatic and the workpiece temperature
ahead remains essentially at ambient, the formation of the next segment is deter-
mined highly by the stresses applied to the workpiece along AB. In this model the