206 R. Quiza and J.P. Davim
case, where a value of surface roughness was pre-established (for example,
0.84), the nearest point, in the curve (point C), will be chosen.
6.5 Future Trends
In the near future, an increase in the application of intelligent techniques to hard-
machining modelling and optimization can be foreseen. Neural networks and
fuzzy logic will be broadly used, because their capability for matching complex
relationships. In the same sense, stochastic optimization approaches will be more
widely applied for this purpose. This rise will be caused mainly by the continuous
increase in the computation power of the computers.
However, all of these tools are currently too green. More solid mathematical
foundations are required for this target. Rigorous procedures for setting up and
training these approaches and statistical tools for analysing their outcomes must be
developed, in order to enhance the effectiveness and reliability of their application.
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