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Like in other machining processes, in hard machining, the most common objec-
tive function is the cost, because it has a clear direct economical meaning. Several
papers report the use of the cost as an optimization criterion; some of them con-
sider only the labour cost, Z
, which is a function of the machining time,
. On the
contrary, some others prefer to consider a combined cost, Z, that includes not only
labour cost but also overhead, Z
, and tool costs, Z
Another very popular optimization objective is the machining time,
. It has a
heavy influence on the economy of the process, especially in these cases where the
tool cost can be neglected when comparing with labour and overhead cost. On the
other hand, material removal rate, as the inverse magnitude of the machining time,
is also used as an optimization target [26].
Xueping and co-workers [27] have reported the optimization of residual stress
in hardened bearing steel.
Nevertheless, these single-objective approaches have a limited value in fixing
the optimal cutting conditions, due to the complex nature of the hard-machining
processes, where several different and contradictory targets must be simultane-
ously considered.
Currently multi-objective methods are the most popular approaches in hard-
machining optimization and they have been widely reported in the specialized
literature. Combinations of time and cost [7], tool wear and surface roughness [17,
28] and time and roughness [29] have been carried out.
Bouacha et al. [30] present a combination of six objective functions: three
measures for the surface roughness (R
, R
and R
) and the three components of the
cutting force, F
, F
and F
. Another interesting approach is given by Paiva and
co-workers [31], who optimize simultaneously tool life, T, processing cost per
piece, C
, cutting time,
, the total turning cycle time,
, surface roughness, R
and the material removing rate.
It must de noted that most of the works mentioned use a priori approaches.
Only Özel and Karpat [29] obtain the Pareto front for their combination of objec-
tive function.
6.3.4 Decision Variables
Usually, the decision variables in hard-machining optimization problems include
the cutting parameters. In hard turning sometimes only the feed rate, f, and the
cutting speed, v, are considered [29] but in other cases, the depth of cut, a
, is also
included [17, 27, 30, 31]. Basak et al. [7] consider the cutting time as another
decision variable.
Occasionally, other parameters are considered as decision variables, reflecting
some important aspects of the problem. In this group are included the tool geome-
try, reflected by the nose radius, r
[26, 28] or tool diameter [25, 32].