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Thanks to this new hybrid formulation employed, artificial criteria (physical or
geometrical) to generate the chip or an initial chip design are not needed. Only
a short initial remeshing stage is needed to obtain the final chip shape. Such fea-
tures, probably the major advantages of the presented model over the ones re-
ported in the literature [18, 59], avoid the introduction of arbitrary effects on the
obtained results, making the simulation more robust. This point gains special
relevance when trying to forecast the state of the machined surface and residual
More detailed information about this work can be found in [38, 58].
Both tool and workpiece are considered as deformable, in order to analyze the
stresses that appear in the tool. Only elastic properties are used for the tool.
Due to the limitations imposed by the importing options in Abaqus/Standard, in
these 3D simulations the Johnson–Cook law has been discretized into tabular data.
The number of points employed to describe the material behavior is 15,525, with
25 levels for the strain, 23 for the strain rate, and 27 for the temperature.
The Coulomb friction law has been employed for the modeling of the tool–chip
interface contact. Heat transfer is allowed on the tool–chip contact area.
The elements employed are C3D8RT, eight-node bricks with tri-linear dis-
placement, temperature calculation, and hourglass control. Their size varies from
µm to 30
µm depending on the zone. Table 5.3 shows the input parameters for
the hard-turning simulation [59].
5.3.4 Three-dimensional Finite-element Analysis
of Hard Turning: Results and Discussion
The simulation was run until the steady state was reached: 0.133
ms in the case of
Abaqus/Explicit, and 0.25
ms in the case of DEFORM-3D. Results for forces and
temperatures in Figures 5.14 and 5.15, respectively, confirm that the steady state
has been reached. As seen in Figure 5.14, for DEFORM-3D the cutting force
seems to stabilize around 140
N with small perturbations of about 2
The cutting force obtained from the hard-turning simulation with Abaqus/Ex-
plicit is 154
N, while the feed force has a value of 58
N. The radial force has
a value of 138
N, which is almost as big as the cutting force. For DEFORM-3D
simulations, values of cutting force vary from 192 to 134
N, while the radial force
varies from 147 to 108
N. The feed force varies between the values of 47
N and
N. It can be observed (Figure 5.16), that as the feed increases, the values of the
forces raise in a similar way. The results for the cutting force match qualitatively
well with results obtained experimentally by Huang and Liang [58]. However,
differences are more significant when comparing feed force and passive (radial)
forces. Lower values are obtained in FEM. It is clear that the use of better friction
models with proper identification friction parameters would have given results
closer [58] to the experimental ones.