4 Surface Integrity 135
A comprehensive investigation on the influence of the cutting parameters (cutting
speed, feed rate and depth of cut) and edge preparation (chamfered 30°
with and without edge honing and chamfered 20°
mm) on the residual-stress
distribution of high-speed turned Inconel 718 was conducted by [33]. PCBN tools
were employed and the Taguchi method was used to identify the optimal parameters.
In spite of the fact that the effect of none of the parameters was found to be
statistically significant within a confidence level of 95
%, the results suggest that
residual stresses decrease, i.e., become more compressive, at high cutting speed
m/min), low feed rate (f
mm/rev), high depth of cut (a
mm) and
using chamfered tools (30°
mm) with honed edge. The reason for such behav-
iour resides in the ability of the chip in dissipating heat, especially in materials with
poor thermal conductivity, such as Inconel 718. As cutting speed is elevated, the rate
of heat dissipation by the chip increases and, consequently, tensile residual stresses
shift to compressive stresses. The relationship between heat generation and dissipa-
tion is again used to explain the influence of feed rate and depth of cut on the resid-
ual-stress distribution. As far as the edge preparation is concerned, the use of tools
with geometry that promotes larger contact area with the workpiece (chamfered and
honed) is expected to induce compressive residual stresses.
Coelho et al. [17] compared the residual stress on the machined surface of
turned Inconel 718 (44 HRC) and found compressive residual stresses when round
mixed-alumina tools were used. Additionally, the intensity of the compressive
stress increased when a honed edge was employed, in comparison with a sharp
edge. In contrast, tensile residual stresses were observed on the surface of In-
conel 718 after turning with fresh carbide tools, thus decreasing steeply to the
lowest compressive-stress value approximately 50
µm below the surface and re-
turning to the bulk value at a depth of 100
µm [16]. When worn tools were em-
ployed under conventional flooding, the magnitude of the tensile stress increased
to a maximum value of 1650
MPa, as well as the depth required to reach the bulk
value (200
µm). However, when the cutting fluid was applied at high pressure
bar) on the rake face of the tool, compressive stresses were not recorded.
Finally, a similar behaviour was observed when flood cooling (5
bar) and applying
cutting fluid at high pressure on the flank face.
The influence of tool geometry and cutting fluid on the surface residual stresses
induced after face turning Inconel 718 (35 HRC) with coated carbide inserts was
investigated by Arunachalam et al. [18]. According to the authors, compressive
residual stresses are induced when round inserts with chamfered edge and negative
rake angle are used, owing to the higher amount of plastic deformation under these
circumstances. The use of cutting fluid resulted in either compressive or slightly
tensile residual stresses. When dry cutting with sharp tools possessing a positive
rake angle, however, tensile residual stresses were recorded due to the dominance
of the thermal effect. The use of round inserts and wet machining presented the
same beneficial effect on residual stresses when PCBN tools were employed [41].
Additionally, mixed-alumina tools induced tensile stresses, probably due to the
low thermal conductivity of the ceramics associated to the demand for dry ma-
chining when this grade is used.