2 Advanced Cutting Tools 85
On the other hand, materials with improved mechanical features are now in de-
velopment, with more tensile strength and creep resistance. New alloys are usually
very low-machinability alloys, asking for recommendation to be machined. Some
examples are austempered ductile irons for car components and wind-energy
gearboxes, gamma TiAl [23] for car components and aeronautical engines, high-
silicon aluminium alloys, carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic composites [24], and
others. Special tools will soon be on the market to solve the problems derived
from the applications of these very difficult-to-cut materials.
Acknowledgements Special thanks are addressed to E. Sasia for his technical suggestions over
the years, and Dr F. Campa, Dr L.G. Uriarte, Mrs A. Celaya, Mr D. Olvera, G. Urbicain and
A. Fernández for their support. Financial support from the Spanish Ministry by project DPI 2007-
60624, and Basque government by project SAIOTEK PROADI and ETORTEK Manufacturing 0,0
was received.
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