50 Statistical physics of liquids
1.4 Brownian motion
In the earlier sections our discussion of the dynamic correlation functions involved deal-
ing with the phase-space variables in the 6N -dimensional space at the microscopic level.
The kinetic theory of many-particle systems evolving under Liouville dynamics provides
the basic tool for calculating the correlation functions in this case. Computer molecular-
dynamics simulations dealing with the microscopic coordinates of a small number of
particles also constitute another useful tool for theoretically obtaining the correlation func-
tions. An alternative approach to these methods is to study the dynamics in terms of a
chosen set of dynamic variables. The basic criterion involved in this method is separat-
ing the dynamics into a slow part and a fast part. The choice of the set of variables is
motivated in order to exploit the widely varying time scales in the dynamics. The cor-
relations of the slow modes are then computed by treating the rest of the degrees of
freedom as noise, this noise being completely random on the time scale of the slow modes.
A classic example of the treatment of dynamics with stochastic noise is the Brownian
motion which we will introduce in the following. The theory of Brownian motion discussed
here was developed by Einstein (1905), Smoluchowski (1906), Planck (1917), and others
(Chandrasekhar, 1943). It constitutes an approach to the dynamics of a many-particle
system that is an alternative to the Liouvillian or Newtonian dynamics. In formulating
the dynamics of a fluid we will largely follow a generalization of such a scheme in the
subsequent chapters of this book.
1.4.1 The Langevin equation
Small grains of pollen immersed in a fluid undergo a kind of perpetual irregular motion.
This is termed Brownian motion after the name of the botanist Robert Brown, who first
observed this phenomenon in 1827. The irregular motion is due to the incessant random
collisions of the molecules of the surrounding fluid with the pollen grain or the so-called
Brownian particle. The mass of this particle is much higher than that of a colliding particle
of the surrounding fluid. The equation of motion of the Brownian particle is obtained in
terms of a Langevin equation involving a stochastic part distinct from the completely deter-
ministic Newtonian dynamics. This formulation of the problem is based on the assumption
that the motion of the Brownian particle is controlled by forces varying on very different
time scales and hence the equation of motion consists of a slow part and a fast part. The
latter is termed noise, and calculation of the correlations of dynamic variables now implies
treating different realizations of the noise.
The equation of motion of a heavy Brownian particle of mass m moving in a sea of
particles is written in the following form:
(t) + f
(t), (1.4.1)