72 The freezing transition
The results with two different structural inputs of c
(with and without Verlet–Weiss correc-
tions to the structure factor) are listed in Table 2.1. The derivative dP/dT at the transition
point is directly computed from the corresponding equation of state, i.e., the empirical
Carnahan–Starling and the PY equation of state, respectively (described in Chapter 1).
The Ramakrishnan–Yussouff theory outlined above is a basic step towards our under-
standing of freezing phenomena. It provides a formulation of the first-order phase transition
through identification of the proper order parameters of the transformation process. The
density-functional formalism involved provides the thermodynamic properties of the inho-
mogeneous crystalline state in terms of those of the liquid state. However, in spite of the
usefulness of this model mentioned above, some severe approximations are made. The
most important is the truncation of the functional expansion of the excess free energy F
in terms of the density difference δn
(x) = n
(x) − n
. The particles in the crystal are
highly localized about the respective lattice sites and hence the average solid-state density
is strongly inhomogeneous, implying that the density difference δn is not small. Attempts
to include higher-order corrections in this series (Haymet, 1983) only make the situation
worse and result in poor predictions for the crystal–liquid coexistence conditions for the
hard-sphere system (Curtain, 1989). Furthermore, the density distributions in the crystal
as obtained from the calculation outlined above are much sharper than those found in sim-
ulation studies. The improvement of the theory of the freezing transition comes from the
weighted-density-functional theory for studying inhomogeneous fluids. This is discussed
in the next section.
2.2 Weighted density functionals
The DFT for freezing involves studying the stability of the inhomogeneous solid by com-
paring its thermodynamic properties with those of the homogeneous liquid. In the previous
section we have discussed the calculation of the excess contribution to the free energy of
the crystal (over the so-called ideal-gas contribution for a noninteracting system) by retain-
ing low-order terms in a perturbation series. This excess part due to the interaction between
the particles is computed using the basic interaction potential between the particles as an
input. Improvement of the DFT has been achieved by making nonperturbative approxima-
tions for the excess free energy in terms of that of an equivalent system. The characteristics
of the coarse-grained system are determined from a weighted average of the inhomoge-
neous density of the original system. The corresponding weighting function(s) therefore
constitute a basic ingredient of this approach to studying inhomogeneous solids. It is
either self-consistently dependent on the density itself or chosen to be density-independent,
being determined from geometric considerations of the constituent particles. The density-
functional formulation with weighting is termed the weighted-density-functional theory.
The equivalent system is generally determined in terms of a local density, but schemes
with a position-independent density have also been formulated. The theory also requires
as an input a standard framework for computing the thermodynamic properties of the
equivalent low-density system. This makes a hard-sphere fluid particularly suitable for