2.4 Applications to other systems 91
used to describe the crystalline state has been modified to include the presence of vacancy
defects in a crystal and obtains an estimation of the equilibrium density of vacancies. Here
the basic interaction potential between the particles is the only input used in the theory. A
general description of these extensions can be found in Henderson (1992). In the present
section we discuss two important applications linked to the basic theme of this chapter,
namely the study of systems with long-range attractive forces and the nature of liquid–solid
2.4.1 Long-range interaction potentials
So far we have discussed the density-functional theories of the freezing of a hard-sphere
fluid. Geometric packing considerations play an important role in determining the ther-
modynamic properties of the condensed state. However, inclusion of only the hard-core
form of the interaction potential in the Hamiltonian is inadequate for understanding the
symmetry-breaking transition in real systems and hence consideration of more physical
interactions is required. The crystalline phase is generally characterized by strong coher-
ence, which is absent in the hard-sphere case. In the present section we discuss recent
developments of models applicable to liquids having more realistic interaction potentials
going beyond the simple hard-sphere type. For the Ramakrishnan and Yussouff model dis-
cussed in Section 2.1.3, of course, there is no specific limitation to the hard-sphere interac-
tion potential. Only the structural properties of the homogeneous liquid state in terms of the
direct correlation functions are required as input in solving the model equations and hence
the theory can, in principle, be applied to systems with any interaction potential. However,
the weighted-density-functional models described above require accurate knowledge of the
equation of state of the homogeneous liquid in order to obtain the correlations correspond-
ing to the inhomogeneous crystalline state. For the hard-sphere fluid such information
is readily available from various standard integral-equation approaches. Extending the
density-functional model to systems with attractive potentials, e.g., Lennard-Jones inter-
action, requires special treatment of the long-range attractive forces between the particles.
The perturbation theory
We now discuss formulation of the density-functional theory for a system with a realistic
interaction potential that has a long-range attractive part. The treatment is analogous to the
earlier perturbative treatment of Weeks et al. (1971) (referred to above as the WCA theory)
for computing the thermodynamic properties of such systems in the homogeneous liquid
state. Let us consider a system interacting through a two-body potential that is character-
ized in terms of a reference potential and a perturbation, involving a small parameter κ,as
;κ) = u
) + κu
), (2.4.1)
representing the reference and the perturbative components of the two-body potential,
respectively. To formulate the density-functional theory of the inhomogeneous state of the
system with a realistic interaction potential u(x
) as described above, we first construct