2.1 The density-functional approach 59
potential energy of the system corresponding to the optimum distribution of particles pro-
vides the choice of the relevant lattice structure. Understanding the transformation at finite
temperature is more subtle. Here the phase transformation is a result of the competition
between the energetic and entropic contributions. Predicting (in a quantitative manner) the
thermodynamic condition under which such a transformation occurs in a many-particle
system is the primary issue in the theory of freezing. This refers to the temperature of
freezing as well as the volume change in the freezing process. Subsequent to some ini-
tial attempts (Lindemann, 1910; Born, 1939; Kirkwood and Monroe, 1941; Jancovici,
1965; Brout, 1963, 1966; Thouless and Kosterlitz, 1973) at understanding this very general
phenomena of freezing, an order-parameter theory using the equilibrium density as the rel-
evant variable was proposed by Ramakrishnan and Yussouff (1979). This theory adopts an
approach that is intermediate between one of purely microscopic origin and a phenomeno-
logical description of the liquid near the transition. The thermodynamic properties of the
inhomogeneous crystalline state are obtained in terms of the corresponding quantities for
the homogeneous liquid state. The thermodynamics of the dense uniform liquid is well
understood through integral-equation theories or simulations, which are used as an input
in the theory described below.
In the density-functional theory for the freezing transition the interaction potential
between the liquid particles constitutes the microscopic-level description of the many-
particle system. The basic characteristics of the two-body potential for which a crys-
talline state appears (under appropriate conditions of density and temperature) include (a)
a strongly repulsive part at short range and (b) an attractive part effective at long range.
In such a condition the Hamiltonian can be written in a harmonic expansion around the
equilibrium sites which correspond to the minimum-potential-energy configuration. The
attractive part of the potential seemingly appears to play an important role in stabiliz-
ing the solid in a crystalline state in which each of the individual particles is localized
around its mean position. However, even for the hard-sphere interaction, the liquid-to-
crystal transition occurs, as was shown by computer simulations (Alder and Wainwright,
1962; Hoover and Ree, 1968). In this case the system must be stabilized externally by
application of appropriate pressure. The hard-sphere liquid transforms into an f.c.c. solid
at the reduced density n
= 0.96 while the close-packed f.c.c. structure corresponds
to a much higher value of n
= 1.41. There are thus aspects of the freezing transition
that go beyond the details of the interaction potential. Indeed, the geometric nature of the
freezing transition is apparent in the structural similarity of classical liquids at high den-
sities. Close to the freezing-transition point the static structure factor S(q) (see Chapter 1
for its definition) of many liquids near the first peak (wave vector q → q
) has approxi-
mately the value S(q
) = 2.85 (Ve rl et, 1974). This includes computer-simulation results
for a Lennard-Jones liquid (Lennard-Jones and Devonshire, 1939) along the melting curve
(Hansen and Verlet, 1969), a hard-sphere fluid (Ve rlet , 1968), and a one-component plasma
(Hansen, 1973), and experimental results for materials such as Ar (Page et al., 1969), Na
(Greenfield et al., 1971), and Pb (North et al., 1968). The value of S(q
) lies in the range
2.8–3.1. This is the analogue of the corresponding result in the solid phase, namely the