450 The nonequilibrium dynamics
and chemical potential. The statistical-mechanical or microscopic description of a many-
particle system, on the other hand, is formulated in terms of a suitable ensemble of a large
number of similar systems. Each member of this ensemble corresponds to a state of the
system defined by the specific values of the coordinates of the large number of variables for
the constituent particles. For a system in equilibrium the probability density for a particular
member of the corresponding ensemble is characterized in terms of a set of conserved
properties. For a set of conserved quantities A
={N , H, P,...}, respectively denoting the
total energy, number of particles, momentum, etc., the corresponding probability density
is given by
f (N , H, P ···) ∼ exp
· A
, (9.2.1)
as has already been discussed in Section 5.1.2, eqn. (5.1.14). The quantities for B
{ν, −β, v,...}, in (9.2.1) respectively correspond to the chemical potential, temperature,
and velocity fields etc. describing a particular thermodynamic state of the system. The
equilibrium ensemble describing the possible microscopic states for the system is thus
characterized by a small set of time-independent thermodynamic properties. For systems
that are out of equilibrium, such ideas are extended to modify the definition of ther-
modynamic variables such as temperature. In the local equilibrium ensemble the def-
inition (9.2.1) is extended in terms of time-independent local thermodynamic variables
{ν(r), −β(r), v(r),...}.
For nonequilibrium systems in which such time independence cannot be invoked, devel-
oping an equivalent description is not straightforward. We now require extensions of the
basic ideas applied in formulating the thermodynamics of the equilibrium system. In the
out-of-equilibrium state, the issue of time independence applies only for a class of “fast”
variables that relax over the time scale of observation while the slow variables in the
many-particle system are still evolving with time. For systems showing aging, e.g., for
glassy dynamics, such an approach is very appropriate (Cugliandolo and Kurchan, 1994).
Consider the case of a supercooled liquid that has been quenched from a high to a low
temperature a long time ago and is currently in a weakly perturbed state. The glassy state
has reached relaxation times beyond the laboratory time scales. The driven system reaches
a stationary state after some time and an effective temperature is associated with it. It is
useful to note here that “stationarity” in the present context implies a loss of memory of the
initial conditions. While this property is associated with the equilibrium state of a system,
the converse is not true, i.e., a stationary state does not have all of the other properties of
the Gibbsian ensemble. The time scale associated with the description of such a station-
ary (weakly perturbed) state is related to the strength of the perturbation. For example,
for a system exposed to a steady shear γ
, the corresponding time scale is proportional to
. The out-of-equilibrium system with extremely slow dynamics is linked to a “temper-
ature” that is suitably defined for the nonequilibrium state. This has been attempted in two