8.4 Spin-glass models 419
that are predicted in the simple MCT will be screened out (Liu and Oppenheim, 1997),
since the system does not get close enough to the dynamic transition point.
8.4 Spin-glass models
We introduce in this section models of supercooled liquids formulated in terms of mod-
els developed for disordered systems referred to as spin glasses (Binder and Young, 1986;
Mézard et al., 1987; Fischer and Hertz, 1991; Binder and Kob, 2005). In particular, we
focus our discussion on the aspects of the spin-glass dynamics which are related to the feed-
back mechanism of the mode-coupling theory and the associated ENE transition discussed
earlier in this chapter. It is useful to note at the outset a few points about the two types
of disordered system, namely the structural and spin glasses, between which the anal-
ogy is being made here. Indeed, both represent systems without any long-range order. In
each case the difference between the glassy state and the corresponding high-temperature
disordered state, i.e., the normal liquid and the paramagnet, respectively, is in terms of
the time-dependent behavior. However, there are obvious differences between these sys-
tems as well. In the structural glass the most stable state having the lowest free energy is
the crystalline state with long-range order, whereas the supercooled liquid is metastable
with respect to the crystal. No such state exists corresponding to the disordered spin-glass
phase. Furthermore, in the spin glass the disorder is “quenched,” depicting the situation in
which the exchange-interaction coupling constants of the spins are random variables and
are time-independent on all experimental time scales. On the other hand, in the structural
glass the randomness is self-generated. It is important to note in this regard that spin-
glass-like behavior has been seen also in systems without any intrinsic disorder (Bouchaud
and Mézard, 1994; Marinari et al., 1994a, 1994b; Chandra et al., 1995). The presence of
frustration in such systems is crucial in order to produce the spin-glass state rather than
quenched randomness (Bouchaud et al., 1997; Cugliandolo, 2003). Indeed, systems with
and without quenched disorder have similar behavior as long as a large number of uncor-
related metastable states are associated. Another point of difference between the two types
of disordered systems lies in the nature of the transition from the high-temperature state to
the corresponding glassy state in the two cases. In the case of a spin glass a second-order
phase transition (in zero magnetic field) characterized by a diverging relaxation time and
nonlinear magnetic susceptibility has been seen in experiments (Mydosh, 1993; Binder and
Young, 1986). The existence of an ideal thermodynamic structural glass transition, on the
other hand, remains speculative. This issue of a thermodynamic phase transition will be
discussed further in Chapter 10.
We first discuss the scenario of the dynamic feedback mechanism of the self-consistent
MCT in the mean-field spin models. Here we will consider the dynamics around the equi-
librium state similarly to the MCT for the supercooled liquids, which is almost exclusively
done for fluctuations around the equilibrium state. Time translation invariance (TTI) holds
in such a situation, and the two-point correlation function is dependent only on the time
difference between the points at which the fluctuations are considered. In recent years