8.4 Spin-glass models 427
where the angular brackets denote the average with weight P[δρ ]. It was shown that Q(k)
satisfies the nonlinear integral equation
Q(k) = χ
1 + I
, (8.4.38)
(k) = 2g
Q(k − k
From the mode-coupling equations corresponding to the nonlinear Langevin equations
given by (8.4.35) and (8.4.36) it was shown (Kirkpatrick and Thirumalai, 1989) that the
nonergodicity parameter q
(k), i.e., the long-time limit of the density–density correlation
function δρ(k, t)δρ(−k, 0), satisfies the same integral equation, (8.4.38),asQ(k) does.
Both these order parameters are proportional to the lowest-order non-Gaussian coupling,
i.e., g
. The equation of motion for the density fluctuations here (eqn. (8.4.36))isvery
different from those considered in the previous sections and is rather similar to what has
been considered for the mean-field spin models.
The possibility of a sharp ENE transition in the various mode-coupling models must
be viewed carefully. The multi-spin model involves an infinite-dimensional mean-field
approach since every spin is interacting equally with every other spin. The existence of
the dynamic transition in this case is generally associated with the appearance of many
metastable minima (Thirumalai et al., 1989). Ergodicity breaks when the system gets
trapped in one minimum for infinitely long times. Since the barrier between the metastable
states is infinite, reaching the true equilibrium state is forbidden. In analogy with the p-spin
model, the mode-coupling model for a real liquid (with short-range forces) is often termed
a mean-field theory. If we consider only the schematic form of the MCT for the structural-
glass case, with the one-dimensional nonlinear integral equation then such an analogy is
possibly justified. However, in the structural case the uncorrelated binary-collision contri-
butions to the transport coefficients are already included in the bare or short-time part and
the mode-coupling contribution in fact represents a correction taking into account corre-
lated motions in the many-particle system. Although these are accounted for only at the
level of the Kawasaki approximation or one-loop approximation in the simple MCT, it is
still a correction beyond the uncorrelated dynamics.
Another important aspect of this analogy between mean-field spin models and MCT
of structural glasses is the often-cited reference to activated hopping processes. Indeed,
the dynamic transition predicted for the p-spin models is removed in finite dimensions
due to nucleation processes or activation over finite free-energy barriers (Kirkpatrick and
Thirumalai, 1989; Parisi et al., 1999; Drossel et al., 2000). In analogy with p-spin models,
if we term MCT a mean-field theory where the system is caught in a single free-energy
minimum, then restoration of the ergodic behavior will come from activated jumps over
the barriers. Hence the absence of the sharp ENE transition in a supercooled liquid (which
is also a fact supported by results from experiments and simulations) is often ascribed
to “hopping processes” or activated hopping over energy barriers. However, as we have