8.2 Evidence from experiments 405
described to leading order in terms of a temperature-independent master function. This
also implies time–temperature superposition. However, as the distance from the transition
increases, correction terms of O(
) to this master function become significant (see
eqn. (8.1.58)). Furthermore, the effects of ergodicity-restoring mechanisms of the extended
MCT will also influence the predictions for final relaxation in the theoretical model. A few
characteristic properties of α-relaxation can be listed as follows.
1. The temperature dependence of the α-peak. The time scale of α-relaxation τ
increases as |
with γ =1/(2a) + 1/(2b). The temperature dependence of the
peak frequency is therefore of the form ω
∼ (T − T
. This is shown in the low-
est panel of Fig. 8.6, in which ω
for CKN is plotted against temperature. The values
of a =0.28 and γ =2.9 used are kept the same as those obtained in fitting ω
and χ
as described above. Similar fits with τ
and τ
extracted from light-scattering data
(Li et al., 1992)forCKNgivea =0.28 and γ =2.9 with the corresponding λ =0.81.
Schönhals et al. (1993) carried out an extensive study of the α-relaxation in PC. The
result for the transition temperature T
=186.6 K is comparable to the correspond-
ing transition temperature T
=180 K from neutron-scattering results (Börjesson et al.,
1990; Elmroth et al., 1992). The temperature dependence of the α-peak frequency ν
) for PC fits to a power law proposed by MCT, ν
∼ (T − T
with exponent
γ =2.45, as shown in Fig. 8.7 (Schönhals et al., 1993). The data also fit an Arrhenius
behavior. Beyond a temperature T
, the power-law behavior crosses over to a Vogel–
Fulcher form. The MCT T
(186.6 K) lies in between the temperatures T
and T
, which
are equal to 130 K and 216.6 K, respectively, for PC.
2. The scaling in the α-regime. Time–temperature superposition for the α-relaxation is
a leading-order asymptotic behavior in the simple MCT. Theoretically, even within the
simple MCT, away from the transition temperature-dependent corrections add to the
master function. The role of ergodicity-restoring processes can further affect the sim-
ple result of time–temperature superposition. Experimentally, there have been claims
and counter-claims regarding the validity of this. For depolarized light-scattering spec-
troscopy of o-terphenyl (OTP) (Cummins et al., 1997), the α-peak can be fit with a
Kohlrausch–William–Watts (KWW) form. A temperature-independent stretching expo-
nent β =0.78 was found to fit the data, provided that the higher-frequency wing was
interpreted as an overlap from the β-process or the von Schweidler-type decay. The cor-
responding VS exponent b =0.6 is obtained from the analysis of the β-process (Cum-
mins et al., 1997). Similarly, the temperature-independent β for T > T
was obtained
(a) from light-scattering-spectroscopy data for CKN (Li et al., 1992), glycerol (Wut-
tke et al., 1994), and PC (Du et al., 1994); and (b) from the dielectric-loss data for
CKN (Pimenov et al., 1996), glycerol (Lunkenheimer et al., 1996), and PC (Lunken-
heimer et al., 1997a). Arguments in favor of the temperature independence of β are
based on the reasoning that the observed temperature dependence of β,ifany,isa
result of ignoring the β-process. It has also been argued that the α-relaxation data
conform to a temperature-dependent stretching exponent. From dielectric-susceptibility