4.4 Dynamical heterogeneities 193
are generally limited to much simpler molecules and much shorter time scales than those
in real experiments. However, a number of interesting characteristics of the dynamics can
be identified since the dynamics is probed here at a very microscopic level.
4.4.1 Computer-simulation results
The simplest quantity representing the structure of the disordered liquid is the pair correla-
tion function g(r) or the static structure factor S(k) discussed in the earlier chapters. It has
been widely found in simulations (Kob, 2003) that the liquid does not undergo any drastic
change in its equilibrium structure with an increase in supercooling. On the other hand, the
liquid dynamics becomes increasingly slow in the metastable supercooled state. The slow-
ing down with fall of temperature in the present context is far more drastic than the fall in
the average speed of the particles (∝
T ). The characteristic relaxation time corresponding
to the time correlation functions (introduced in Section 1.3) grows by orders of magnitude
when the liquid is supercooled. This is generally manifested in a two-step relaxation pro-
cess. At short times, i.e., times less than the average collision time between two particles,
the dynamics is of free-particle type (see eqn. (1.3.33) for example). This is followed by the
dissipative dynamics in which the correlation function decays to zero. At high temperature
this final relaxation process is exponential and the corresponding relaxation time grows at
lower temperatures. However, with increasing supercooling or an increase of density, the
nature of the decay of the correlation function shows a qualitative change. The correlation
function after the initial ballistic regime remains on a plateau for some time (on a logarith-
mic time axis) and finally decays to zero. This two-step process is a very typical feature
of the dynamics of the dense liquid state. This behavior is most easily demonstrated by
considering the tagged-particle correlation F
(q, t) (see eqn. (1.3.23) for its definition) in
a dense fluid. In Fig. 4.10(a) the decay of the tagged-particle correlation in a binary mix-
ture is displayed for a wave vector near the structure-factor peak. For high temperature the
correlation decays exponentially, and it develops a plateau as the temperature is lowered.
The dynamics of the supercooled liquid becomes increasingly heterogeneous in different
regions. To illustrate this further, let us consider the plot of the mean-square displacement
(t) with respect to time. This is shown in Fig. 4.10(b). For short times the mean-square
displacement grows as t
, conforming to the free-particle behavior. At low temperatures
the mean-square displacement remains on a plateau over an intermediate time scale. This
behavior signifies rattling of the tagged particle in the cage formed by surrounding par-
ticles. With increasing density the cages persist for longer time and hence the length of
the plateau increases. However, the height of the plateau remains the same, indicating that
the size of the cage does not drastically change with the fall of temperature. Over longer
times the mean-square displacement grows linearly in time, indicating the self-diffusion
process. Over this final time range the slope of the r
(t) vs. t curve gives the diffusion
coefficient D
through the Einstein relation (1.4.27). D
falls by a few orders of magnitude
in these systems. If the glass transition is considered as a jamming transition in which the