224 Dynamics of collective modes
term from the interaction of the particles, giving the purely collisional contribution to the
transport; and a cross term. At liquid densities the collisional contribution is most domi-
nant (the third term on the RHS of eqn. (5.2.37)). The bulk viscosity ζ
, on the other hand,
makes only a collisional contribution since the kinetic part is diagonal and is subtracted
out in the expression (5.2.25).
The Enskog approximation to the transport coefficients works well for liquids up to mod-
erate densities n
≤ 0.3. The Enskog expression for the transport coefficients does not
conform to the Stokes–Einstein relation. On approaching the freezing point the discrepancy
with computer-simulation results grows. The Enskog value of shear viscosity becomes less
than that from simulations almost by a factor of 2 at the freezing transition point. The
self-diffusion coefficient, on the other hand, shows an opposite trend. The product D
calculated from simulations is almost constant for moderate densities n
≥ 0.3 and
the value of this constant is close to that predicted from the Stokes–Einstein (SE) relation
(within 10%). Thus, while at low densities the SE relation is violated, it holds for moderate
liquid densities. In the supercooled liquid the discrepancies with Enskog theory grow much
more rapidly, and the SE relation is again violated. At high density the disagreement of the
shear viscosity with simulations stems from the fact that the latter has large contributions
from slowly decaying long-time tails of the stress correlation function. This applies to the
viscosities. The agreement between theory and simulation is much better in the case of the
thermal conductivity. The origin of the long-time tails can be understood in terms of cor-
related dynamics in the fluid, which can be understood in terms of mode-coupling theories
to be discussed later.
For a general interaction potential multi-particle collisions are likely to contribute sub-
stantially to the transport process at high densities. Calculation of the transport coefficients
in such cases is more involved and has been done along phenomenological lines with
ad-hoc extension of the Enskog model in terms of the so-called modified Enskog the-
ory or using numerical methods for computing the collision integrals (Fitts, 1966; Curtiss,
1967). Corrections to the short-time transport coefficients at higher densities have also been
obtained by improving the Boltzmann equation in the corresponding situations. The trans-
port coefficient is obtained in terms of a density expansion similar to the virial expansion
for the equation of state of the fluid. The calculation involves treating the pair distribution
function in the collision integral as a functional of the one-particle distribution function.
The result of this rather complicated technical development is that we obtain the second-
order term ρ
ln ρ for the transport coefficient λ(ρ) as nonanalytic (Ernst et al., 1969;
Curtiss, 1967),
) = λ
1 + a
+ a
ln ρ
, (5.2.40)
where ρ
is the equilibrium density and the a
are functions of temperature only. The
origin of such nonanalytic behavior is a consequence of collective effects coming from
semi-microscopic length and time scales. This will be discussed later, in Chapters 6–8.