232 Dynamics of collective modes
The above relation is termed the second fluctuation–dissipation theorem (FDT) and follows
from the assumption (5.3.15) that the noise has no projection onto the initial value of
The proof is given in Appendix A5.2. In the linear fluctuating hydrodynamic approach dis-
cussed in this chapter the relation (5.3.48) between the noise correlation and the dynamic
part of the memory function forms the basis for dealing with the latter. We assume that
the dynamic part of the memory function is determined by the noise and represents the
dynamics over a time scale that is assumed to be much shorter than that of slow modes.
is thus used to define short-time kinetic coefficients for the system. The bare trans-
port coefficients determine the strength of the noise correlation in the system through the
so-called second FDT and are used as an input in the theory.
In the above discussion we have actually bypassed evaluating the dynamic part of the
memory function and identified the latter with the physical (linear) transport matrix in the
dissipative equations for the slow modes. Direct evaluation of the dynamic part using what
is termed as the mode-coupling approximation, has been done by Résibois and de Leener
(1966), de Leener and Résibois (1966), and Kawasaki (1970) (see also Andersen (2002,
2003a, 2003b) and Forster and Martin (1970) for further discussion on the dynamic part).
The linear equation for the slow modes gives rise to a linear equation for the correla-
tion function with a frequency-dependent memory function that satisfies the Green–Kubo
relation (discussed in Chapter 1,seeeqn. (5.2.23)) and is related to the noise through the
second fluctuation–dissipation relation. In Appendix A7.4 we present, using the standard
Mori–Zwanzig projection operator scheme, an alternative scheme for evaluating this mem-
ory function, in particular, for the dynamics of density correlation functions. This approach
has traditionally been adopted in the literature for obtaining the simple mode-coupling
model (Bengtzelius et al., 1984; Götze, 2009) for glassy dynamics. In the present book we
will obtain the mode-coupling model starting from a set of nonlinear stochastic equations.
In the next chapter we demonstrate how to obtain a set of nonlinear equations of motion for
a chosen set of slow modes. The renormalization due to the nonlinearities in the equations
of motion is obtained using field-theoretic techniques (Amit, 1999). The corresponding
renormalized theory due to the nonlinear dynamics of the collective modes gives rise in a
natural way to the self-consistent mode-coupling model. As we will see, the field-theoretic
approach proves useful in understanding the full implications of the nonlinearities in the
many-body dynamics.
The Markov approximation
In dealing with the physical problem of the dynamics of the liquids we assume a complete
separation of time scale between the collective modes
and the f
. The fast modes or
the noise f
are assumed to be correlated over much shorter time scales than the
implies that f
(t) f
decays to zero much faster than does
. Thus f
(t) f
very sharply peaked near t = 0. The Markov approximation refers to the Markov process
(Markov, 1907) in which the dynamic evolution of the system in every step is determined
by the previous step only. In the present context, applying this approximation to the mem-
ory function amounts to assuming the absence of memory in the long-time limit. Thus in