5.3 Linear fluctuating hydrodynamics 245
Fig. 5.5 The real part of the eigenvalues −z
(k) (μ = 1,...,5) vs. k for the hard-sphere fluid at
packing fraction ϕ = πnσ
/6 = 0.471. The curves correspond to the pair of complex-conjugate
sound modes (dotted), the heat mode (solid), and two degenerate shear modes (dashed). Reproduced
from Das and Dufty (1992).
American Physical Society.
where z
(x) are the three eigenvalues of the matrix (5.3.97). These z
(μ =1, 2) in the
small-q limit reduce to the propagating modes described above in eqn. (5.3.89).Thewave-
number-dependent functions D
(x), and η
(x) play the role of generalized trans-
port coefficients representing dissipative effects over short length scales. These generalized
transport coefficients in the small-wave-number limit reduce to the corresponding results
obtained from the Enskog theory (Résibois and de Leener, 1977) for a hard-sphere system
in which only the collision contribution has been kept (Kirkpatrick, 1985b). Similarly, the
eigenvalues for the shear modes are z =−η
(q), where
(q) = ν
1 − j
(x) − j
is the generalized shear viscosity. Figure 5.5 shows the real part of the eigenvalues −z
(μ = 1,...,5) extended to large q, for the hard-sphere system at packing fraction ϕ =
0.471. The Percus–Yevick solution (Ashcroft and Lekner, 1966) with Verlet–Weiss correc-
tion (Verlet and Weiss, 1972; Henderson and Grundke, 1975) for the structure factor S(q)
has been used in computing the matrix elements of (5.3.97). The propagating pair of sound
modes (shown by the dotted line) crosses over to a pair of real modes for an intermediate
wave-number range. The most interesting feature is the behavior of the heat mode (solid
line), which close to the freezing point becomes soft near the peak of the structure factor
of the liquid. This is a consequence of S
(q) being small there. Analysis of the ampli-
tude factors of the eigenmodes of the matrix K
at this wave number indicates that the
soft mode essentially represents density fluctuations. At high density the softening is pro-
nounced and it corresponds to very slow dynamics near the diffraction peak (de Gennes,
1959) and is generally termed de Gennes narrowing in liquid-state physics. The two shear