4.1 The liquid–glass transition 169
In a number of systems termed fragile liquids a crossover in the temperature dependence
of viscosity η was observed. A more uniform increase is seen over the whole tempera-
ture range for strong liquids such as B
and SiO
. This behavior has been quantified by
defining a fragility parameter m as the slope of the viscosity–temperature curve (Böhmer
et al., 1993):
m =
d log
/T )
T =T
. (4.1.6)
Thus, for example, m = 81 (for o-terphenyl) and m = 20 (for SiO
), respectively, denote
two extreme cases of fragile and strong systems. While the strong liquids display the
phenomenon of the undercooled liquid uniformly becoming more and more viscous with
decreasing temperature, at the extreme fragile end the change of viscosity is extremely
dramatic, with it growing by many orders of magnitude within a very narrow temperature
The phenomenon of the glass transition in supercooled liquids as described above is
based entirely on an experimental criterion, namely the point at which the supercooled liq-
uid falls out of equilibrium on an experimental time scale. Understanding the true nature of
the transformation will naturally require knowledge of in what ways the supercooled liquid
close to the glass transition is different from the glassy state below T
. At the macroscopic
level both the crystal and the glass are solid states, i.e., have elastic properties. In a crystal
the constituent particles are vibrating about their mean positions, which form a lattice with
long-range order. A simple picture of the glassy state will portray individual constituent
atoms vibrating around their mean positions on an amorphous or random lattice struc-
ture without any long-range order. Such a picture of the glass holds only over time scales
smaller than the structural-relaxation time. Similarly to the case in a crystal, ergodicity is
broken in the glass over this time scale. From a theoretical point of view the system is con-
fined to a single equilibrium state having a minimum energy in the phase space. Beyond T
the system can no longer explore the whole phase space and ergodicity is broken. Transla-
tional motion of the particles is practically absent and the system is confined to one local
minimum of the energy. At T
the specific heat c
at constant pressure drops, becoming
close to that of the crystal (see the inset of Fig. 4.2). This is simply understood from the
fact that in both cases, of the crystal and the glass, only vibrational motion of the parti-
cles around their mean positions is contributing. This view can be supported by invoking
the fact that quantities such as volume and energy remain almost constant. However, what
makes the two systems very different is that the crystal is a system in equilibrium, whereas
a glass is strongly out of equilibrium. A dynamic correlation function of two times, e.g., the
density–density correlation function, is a function of two times. The system is not invari-
ant under time translation, which is a typical feature of nonequilibrium systems. This is
termed aging. Over short time scales the system appears as if it were in equilibrium with
a characteristic amorphous structure, whereas over longer times nonequilibrium effects
show up.