3.3 The density-functional approach 137
3.3 The density-functional approach
The density-functional theory outlined in the previous chapter has been used for under-
standing the nucleation phenomena starting from basic principles of statistical mechanics.
Compared with the model described in the previous section, here a more realistic descrip-
tion of the crystal and the liquid state is chosen. In this formulation the interaction potential
between the constituent particles in the system is the primary input. As we have seen
in Chapter 2 regarding studying the bulk crystalline phase or the interfaces, the grand-
canonical potential is minimized with respect to the inhomogeneous density function in
order to identify the critical nucleus. In the DFT formulation, unlike in the CNT described
above, the effect of curvature of the interface in the computation of the free energy of the
clusters is taken into account. The difference between the grand-canonical potentials
of the inhomogeneous state (consisting of the nucleating bubble) and of the homogeneous
liquid state is optimized with respect to the inhomogeneous density function. This auto-
matically identifies the critical nucleus, i.e., corresponding to the optimum density function
(x) representing the crystal nucleus in the melt, we have
+ G
, (3.3.1)
where G
denotes the free energy required for the formation of the critical nucleus (see
eqn. (3.1.15) in the discussion of the CNT above). In formulating the appropriate DFT
for the present case it is important to notice that the critical nucleus is in fact dynami-
cally unstable. However, this instability is with respect to the variation of the number of
monomers in the critical nucleus, which can either grow or shrink as a result of fluctuations
in the number of monomers. This is therefore relevant when the grand-canonical ensemble
is used to describe the critical nucleus (with a fixed number of particles, on the other hand,
the critical nucleus is the state of minimum free energy and hence corresponds to a ther-
modynamically stable state). The critical nucleus represents a saddle point in the function
space of density, having one unstable direction with respect to the particle number. Hence
the optimum density distribution of the critical nucleus is determined from the solution of
the Euler–Lagrange equation
= 0. (3.3.2)
The identification of the critical nucleus and its size as depicted through the optimum den-
sity profile follows in a natural way from the optimization of the thermodynamic function
in the DFT approach to this problem. However, it is still a mean-field approach and the
treatment of the smallest clusters containing a few molecules can only be approximate.
3.3.1 The square-gradient approximation
A crucial ingredient of the DFT is the choice of the test density function with respect
to which the appropriate thermodynamic functional is minimized. We have discussed in