385 parsimony, law of
strive to resolve such issues by making the implications of their research
goals explicit in terms of the value placed on parsimony.
Marketing Research
Rieck, D. (1997). ‘Occam’s Razor and Cutting your Own Throat,’ Direct Marketing
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Starr, Martin Kenneth (1964). ‘Management Science and Marketing Science,’ Man-
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Deshpande, Rohit (1983). ‘ “Paradigms Lost”: On Theory and Method in Research
in Marketing,’ Journal of Marketing, 47(4), Autumn, 101–110.
Cohen, Joel B., and Reed II, Americus (2006). ‘Perspectives on Parsimony: How
Long Is the Coast of England? A Reply to Park and MacInnis; Schwarz; Petty;
and Lynch,’ Journal of Consumer Research, 33, 28–30.
Chaiken, S., Duckworth, K. L., and Darke, P. T. (1999). ‘When Parsimony Fails . . . ,’
Psychological Inquiry, 10(2), 118–123.
Epstein, R. (1984). ‘The Principle of Parsimony and Some Applications in Psychol-
ogy,’ Journal of Mind & Behavior, 5(2), 119–130.
Marketing Modeling
Plouffe, C. R., Hulland, J. S., and Vandenbosch, M. (2001). ‘Research Report: Rich-
ness Versus Parsimony in Modeling Technology Adoption Decisions: Understand-
ing Merchant Adoption of a Smart Card-Based Payment System,’ Information
Systems Research, 12(2), 208–222.
Cheung, Gordon W., and Rensvold, Roger B. (2001). ‘The Effects of Model Parsi-
mony and Sampling Error on the Fit of Structural Equation Models,’ Organiza-
tional Research Methods, 4(3), 236–264.
Ariew, Roger (1976). Ockham’s Razor: A Historical and Philosophical Analysis of Ockham’s
Principle of Parsimony. Champaign-Urbana, Ill: University of Illinois Press.
partner marketing see affiliate marketing
partnership marketing see cooperative marketing
passing stranger effect see ancient mariner effect
patent see intellectual property
pay-for-performance marketing see affiliate marketing
pay-per-click marketing see affiliate marketing
peak-load pricing see pricing strategies
peer-to-peer marketing see word-of-mouth marketing
penetration pricing see pricing strategies
percent-of-sales method see promotion budget setting methods
perfect competition see competition
performance-based marketing see affiliate marketing
perishability see service characteristics