415 product life cycle
stages. However, as appealing as the product life cycle concept is to
many marketers, there remains the difficulty of determining just what
stage a product is actually in (e.g. one may not be able to tell whether
sales have plateaued permanently or temporarily). Additionally, it is also
recognized that marketers have means to lengthen or shorten a product
life cycle, adding further complexity to decisions about when to develop
and introduce new products to take the place of others in decline.
KEY WORDS Life cycle, sales, profitability
The product life cycle provides a useful means of conceptualizing the life
stages of a product that a marketer might expect to observe from the time
of a product’s inception to its demise. In addition, the conceptualization
may provide a useful means of making sense of past events associated
with product sales and profitability performance. Its ability to assist
with the proactive development of appropriate marketing strategies is
far more limited, however, as a result of the inability to understand a
product’s precise location within its own in-process life cycle.
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