Classification of Key Terms 600
World Wide Web marketing see Web
marketing; online marketing
worldwide marketing see global
WWW marketing see Web marketing;
online marketing
door-in-the-face technique
foot-in-the-door technique
low-ball technique
rejection-then-retreat technique see
door-in-the-face technique
4. Effects (along with biases, fallacies and errors, phenomena, and
advertising wearout effect
anchoring effect
ancient mariner effect
announcement effect
audience effect
Averch–Johnson effect
backwash effects
bandwagon effect
Barnum effect
basement effect see floor effect
Baumol effect see Baumol’s cost
boomerang effect
butterfly effect
bystander effect
carry over effect
ceiling effect
certainty effect
cohort effect
common ratio effect
context effect
contrast effect
country of origin effect
Crespi effect see elation effect
customer volume effect see loyalty
delayed response effect see lagged
distinctiveness effect see von Restorff
division of labor effect
domino effect
double jeopardy effect
edge effect see serial position effect
elation effect
end effect see serial position effect
endowment effect
even price effect
experience curve effect
experimenter effect
experimenter expectancy effect
false consensus effect
fan effect
floor effect
Forer effect see Barnum effect
framing effect
free rider effect
gain–loss effect
halo effect
Hawthorne effect
hierarchy of effects
hockey stick effect
honeymoon effect
horns and halo effect see halo effect
I-knew-it-all-along effect see hindsight
imitation effect
income effect
innovation effect
isolation effect
John Henry effect
lagged effect
lagged response see lagged effect
learning curve effect
loyalty effect
loyalty ripple effect
market share effect
mere exposure effect
mood effect
network effect
nine effect see odd price effect
odd price effect
order effect