525 tactical marketing
Nagle, T. T., and Holden, R. K. (1995). The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
tactical marketing
An approach that moves marketing from the strategic to the operational level,
designing and implementing plans for the short term.
Marketing strategies are usually the driver of tactical marketing actions
that influence the consumer directly, such as advertising programs and
other operational actions that require marketing expenditure (Rust,
Ambler, Carpenter, Kumar, and Srivastava 2004). In some firms, however,
marketing strategy initiatives may take a back seat to that which is
urgent, resulting in fire-fighting activity which resembles tactical mar-
keting but where such activity may or may not be as effective as when it
is based on a sound marketing strategy.
KEY WORDS Operationalization, short-term plans
Setting tactical marketing plans directly affects the firm’s financial
resources as it relates to marketing mix programs to be implemented. As
such, marketers should seek to develop a sound understanding of tactical
marketing approaches as it is clearly the implementation of the firm’s
marketing in the marketplace.
Marketing Strategy
McDonald, Malcolm (1989). Ten Barriers to Marketing Planning. Cranfield: Cranfield
School of Management.
Marketing Management
McDonald, Malcolm, and Morris, Peter (2000). The Marketing Plan in Colour: A Pictorial
Guide for Managers. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Services Marketing
Zeithaml, Valarie A., Parasuraman, A., and Berry, Leonard L. (1985). ‘Problems and
Strategies in Services Marketing,’ Journal of Marketing, 49(2), Spring, 33–46.
International Marketing
Samiee, Saeed, and Roth, Kendall (1992). ‘The Influence of Global Marketing Stan-
dardization on Performance,’ Journal of Marketing, 56(2), April, 1–17.
Rust, R. T., Ambler, T., Carpenter, G. S., Kumar, V., and Srivastava, R. K. (2004).
‘Measuring Marketing Productivity: Current Knowledge and Future Directions,’
Journal of Marketing, 68(4), 76–89.
Rust, R. T., Ambler, T., Carpenter, G. S., Kumar, V., and Srivastava, R. K. (2004).
‘Measuring Marketing Productivity: Current Knowledge and Future Directions,’
Journal of Marketing, 68(4), 76–89.
tailored marketing see one-to-one marketing