513 substitute product
substitute product
A product perceived by the consumer as an alternative to another product.
A substitute product, as an alternative to a product that it is able to
replace, may vary from the original product in price or availability, but it
usually meets the required utility. An understanding of brand-switching
behavior relies on studies related to motivations behind seeking substi-
tutes, which can relate to variety-seeking behaviour, complementarity
among brands, brand unavailability, changing prices, or shifting con-
sumer needs.
KEY WORD Alternative products
Identifying competitive substitutes and studying them is essential for
marketers. Substitute products pose threats such as competitive pricing
that can impose a ceiling on prices companies charge for their prod-
ucts. The presence of close substitutes also gives consumers a chance
to make quality, performance, and price comparisons, having the lux-
ury of another alternative to shift to. Lower switching costs also entice
consumers to move to substitutes.
Marketing Strategy
Moorthy, K. Sridhar (1984). ‘Market Segmentation, Self-Selection, and Product Line
Design,’ Marketing Science, 3(4), Autumn, 288–307.
Marketing Management
Dobson, Gregory, and Kalish, Shlomo (1993). ‘Heuristics for Pricing and Positioning
a Product-Line Using Conjoint and Cost Data,’ Management Science, 39(2), February,
Miller, Danny (1988). ‘Relating Porter’s Business Strategies to Environment and
Structure: Analysis and Performance Implications,’ Academy of Management Jour-
nal, 31(2), June, 280–308.
Retail Marketing
Walters, Rockney G. (1991). ‘Assessing the Impact of Retail Price Promotions on
Product Substitution, Complementary Purchase, and Interstore Sales Displace-
ment,’ Journal of Marketing, 55(2), April, 17–28.
Marketing Research
Hoffman, Elizabeth, Menkhaus, Dale J., Chakravarti, Dipankar, Field, Ray A., and
Whipple, Glen D. (1993). ‘Using Laboratory Experimental Auctions in Marketing
Research: A Case Study of New Packaging for Fresh Beef,’ Marketing Science , 12(3),
Summer, 318–338.
Sullivan, Mary (1990). ‘Measuring Image Spillovers in Umbrella-Branded Products,’
Journal of Business, 63(3), July, 309–329.
Lattin, James M., and McAlister, Leigh (1985). ‘Using a Variety-Seeking Model to
Identify Substitute and Complementary Relationships among Competing Prod-
ucts,’ Journal of Marketing Research, 22(3), August, 330–339.