relationship marketing 446
more beneficial than transactional marketing than when the converse
is true. As an example, a specialty car manufacturer in the UK would
clearly benefit from relationship marketing with current and potential
customers when one considers that customers must wait patiently for up
to five years to have their cars made from the time they place their order.
At the same time, relationship marketing recognizes that a firm need
not seek to establish long-term relationships with all of its customers,
as not only do some customers prefer to avoid such relationships, but
other customers, depending on their wants, needs, purchase histories,
and expected future purchases, may not provide the firm with sufficient
value as to warrant the effort.
KEY WORDS Customer retention, long-term relationships
A better understanding of the relationship marketing approach, as
expressed in the considerable amount of marketing research devoted to
the study of its effective use, can do much to assist a marketer with iden-
tifying, developing, and implementing strategies, methods, techniques,
and tactics that help the marketer’s firm to identify, create, and retain
profitable customers. Given that the offerings of many firms are the sub-
ject of ongoing, periodic desire by their customers, it behooves marketers
to look regularly for ways that relationship marketing approaches can be
put to effective use.
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