453 resource dependency theory
Marketers may find that a greater knowledge of resource dependency
theory and resource dependency theory-based research may help the
marketer to understand and evaluate better the firm’s many different
interorganizational relationships and assist with the development of
relationships involving greater control. As a means to establish greater
control over a firm’s suppliers, for example, the firm may opt to perform
some of the work in-house. Terms with suppliers may be able to be
renegotiated as well, further enabling the firm to obtain more power over
suppliers. In addition, being in a position to switch to alternate suppliers
may yet be another means to minimize the firm’s resource dependencies.
Marketing Strategy
Anderson, Paul F. (1982). ‘Marketing, Strategic Planning and the Theory of the
Firm,’ Journal of Marketing, 46(2), Spring, 15–26.
Marketing Management
Ruekert, Robert W., and Walker, Orville C., Jr. (1987). ‘Marketing’s Interaction
with Other Functional Units: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Evidence,’
Journal of Marketing, 51(1), January, 1–19.
Business-to-Business Marketing
Hallen, Lars, Johanson, Jan, and Mohamed, Nazeem Seyed (1991). ‘Interfirm Adap-
tation in Business Relationships,’ Journal of Marketing, 55(2), April, 29–37.
Anderson, James C., Hakansson, Hakan, and Johanson, Jan (1994). ‘Dyadic Business
Relationships within a Business Network Context,’ Journal of Marketing, 58(4),
October, 1–15.
Heide, Jan B., and John, George (1988). ‘The Role of Dependence Balancing in
Safeguarding Transaction-Specific Assets in Conventional Channels,’ Journal of
Marketing, 52(1), January, 20–35.
Government Marketing
Meznar, Martin B., and Nigh, Douglas (1995). ‘Buffer or Bridge? Environmental
and Organizational Determinants of Public Affairs Activities in American Firms,’
Academy of Management Journal, 38(4), August, 975–996.
Marketing Research
Oliver, Christine (1990). ‘Determinants of Interorganizational Relationships: Inte-
gration and Future Directions,’ Academy of Management Review, 15(2), April, 241–
Aldrich, H. (1976). ‘Resource Dependence and Inter-organizational Relations: Rela-
tions between Local Employment Service Offices and Social Service Sector Orga-
nizations,’ Administration and Society, 7, 419–454.
Aldrich, Howard E., and Pfeffer, Jeffrey (1976). ‘Environments of Organizations,’
Annual Review of Sociology, 2, 79–105.
Aldrich, H., and Herker, D. (1976). ‘Boundary Spanning Roles and Organizational
Structure,’ Academy of Management Journal, 2, 217–230.
responsible marketing see ethical marketing; social marketing; green
Restorff effect see von Restorff effect