371 online marketing
multiple individuals to add content to a website as well as freely edit
such content, and (3) in the writing and editing of an entry contained
within wikipedia.com, deleting all material that is negative and further
including material that has the purpose of advertising or promoting
Online marketing can also, of course, be compared and contrasted with
offline marketing, also called brick(s)-and-mortar marketing, which consists of
marketing activities that do not involve the use of, or connection to, a
computer or computer network. Given that the use of either approach
does not necessarily exclude the use of the other, click(s)-and-mortar mar-
keting,orclick(s)-and-brick(s) marketing , refers to marketing that combines
online marketing and offline marketing approaches. While there is an
enormous amount of research into online marketing, most references to
‘offline marketing’ as a marketing approach are found in discussions of
comparisons and contrasts between online and offline marketing.
KEY WORDS Internet, interactivity, computer network, web
Online marketing provides marketers with a rich and growing set of
marketing opportunities. In using an affiliate marketing approach, pay-
per-click marketing is just one example (see affiliate marketing). While
its use may be a cost-effective means of achieving many of the firm’s
marketing objectives, it is also widely viewed as an approach that affords
considerable flexibility and speed. It is, however, not suited to many areas
of marketing where in-person, face-to-face interaction is highly benefi-
cial, or when consumers prefer to see, touch, and feel products they are
considering for purchase. For some products such as many luxury goods,
for example, part of the experience consumers seek when shopping is
that of also being seen by other shoppers.
Marketing Strategy
Hanson, Ward A. (2000). Principles of Internet Marketing. Cincinnati: South-Western
College Publishing.
Allen, E., and Fjermestad, J. (2001). ‘E-commerce Marketing Strategies: Integrated
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Marketing Management
Newell, F. (2000). Loyalty.com: Customer Relationship Management in the New Era of
Internet Marketing. New York: McGraw Hill Professional Books.
Turban, Ephraim (2006). Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Consumer Behavior
Wang, H., Lee, M. K. O., and Wang, C. (1998). ‘Consumer Privacy Concerns about
Internet Marketing,’ Communications—ACM, 41(3), 63–70.
Marketing Research
Kozinets, R. V. (2002). ‘The Field behind the Screen: Using Netnography for Market-
ing Research in Online Communities,’ Journal of Marketing Research, 39(1), 61–72.
Grossnickle, Joshua, and Raskin, Oliver (2000). The Handbook of Online Marketing
Research: Knowing your Customer Using the Net. New York: McGraw-Hill.