76 Part A Fundamentals of Metrology and Testing
titative relationship between the quantity measured and
all the quantities on which it depends, including all com-
ponents that contribute to the measurement uncertainty.
Afterwards, the standard uncertainties of all the sin-
gle uncertainty components are estimated. Standard de-
viations from repeated measurements are directly the
standard uncertainties for the respective components (if
normal distribution can be assumed). The combined un-
certainty is then calculated by the application of the
law of propagation of uncertainty, which depends on the
partial derivatives for each input quantity. In strictly fol-
lowing the modeling approach, correlations also need to
be incorporated.
Usually the expanded uncertainty U (providing an
interval y −U to y +U for the measurand y) is calcu-
lated. For normal distribution, the coverage factor k =2
is chosen typically. Finally, the measurement result to-
gether with its uncertainty should be reported according
to the rules of the GUM [3.19]. These last two steps of
course also apply to the other approaches (2–4).
Because full mathematical models are often not
available or the modeling approach may be infeasi-
ble for economic or other reasons, the GUM [3.19]
foresees that also alternative approaches may be used.
The other approaches presented here are as valid as
the modeling approach and sometimes even lead to
more realistic evaluation of the uncertainty, because
they are largely based on experimental data. These ap-
proaches are based on long experience and reflect com-
mon practise.
Even though the single-laboratory validation, inter-
laboratory validation, and PT approaches also use sta-
tistical models as the basis for data analysis (which
also be described as mathematical models) the term
mathematical model is reserved for the modeling ap-
proach, and the term statistical model is used for the
other approaches. The latter are also called empirical ap-
2) The Single-Laboratory Validation Approach
If the full modeling approach is not feasible, in-house
studies for method validation and verification may de-
liver important information on the major sources of
variability. Estimates of bias, repeatability, and within-
laboratory reproducibility can be obtained by organizing
experimental work inside the laboratory. Quality control
data (control charts) are valuable sources for precision
data under within laboratory reproducibility conditions,
which can be used to serve directly as standard uncer-
tainties. Standard uncertainties of additional (missing)
effects can be estimated and combined – see also under
point 5). If possible, during the repetition of the ex-
periment, the influence quantities should be varied, and
certified reference materials (CRMs) and/or comparison
with definitive or reference methods should be used to
evaluate the component of uncertainty related to the true-
3) The Interlaboratory Validation Approach
Precision data can also be obtained by utilizing method
performance data and other published data (other than
proficiency testing that the testing laboratory has taken
part in itself, as this is considered in the PT approach).
The reproducibility data can be used directly as standard
ISO 5725 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of
measurement methods and results [3.22] provides the
rules for assessment of repeatability (repeatability stan-
dard deviation s
), reproducibility (reproducibility stan-
dard deviation s
), and (sometimes) trueness of the
method (measured as a bias with respect to a known ref-
erence value). Uncertainty estimation based on precision
and trueness data in compliance with ISO 5725 [3.22]
is extensively described in ISO/TS 21748 Guidance for
the use of repeatability, reproducibility and trueness es-
timates in measurement uncertainty estimation [3.23].
4) The PT Approach:
Use of Proficiency Testing (EQA) Data
Proficiency tests (external quality assessment, EQA) are
intended to check periodically the overall performance
of a laboratory. Therefore, the laboratory can compare
the results from its participation in proficiency testing
with its estimations of measurement uncertainty of the
respective method and conditions.
Also, the results of a PT can be used to evaluate the
measurement uncertainty. If the same method is used
by all the participants in the PT scheme, the standard
deviation is equivalent to an estimate of interlaboratory
reproducibility, which can serve as standard uncertainty
and, if required, be combined with additional uncer-
tainty components to give the combined measurement
uncertainty. If the laboratory has participated over sev-
eral rounds, the deviations of its own results from the
assigned value can be used to evaluate its own measure-
ment uncertainty.
Combination of the Different Approaches
to Uncertainty Evaluation
It is also possible – and often necessary – to combine the
different approaches described above. For example, in
the PT approach, sometimes missing components need
Part A 3.4