Basic Tissues
Figure 7-12A Dura Mater, Arachnoid, and Pia Mater
Figure 7-12B Spinal Meninges
Figure 7-12C Clinical Correlation: Meningitis
Figure 7-13A Types of Glial Cells
Figure 7-13B Astrocytes
Figure 7-13C Clinical Correlation: Glioblastoma
Autonomic Nervous System
Figure 7-14 Overview of the Autonomic Nervous System
Figure 7-15A Sympathetic Ganglion
Figure 7-15B Myenteric Plexus (Auerbach Plexus)
Figure 7-16 Submucosal Plexus (of Meissner)
Table 7-1 Comparison of Posterior Root and Autonomic Ganglia
Synopsis 7-1 Pathological and Clinical Terms for the Nervous System
Introduction and Key Concepts
for the Nervous System
It is diffi cult to consider the tissue of the nervous system
separately from the nervous system itself. In most organ sys-
tems, the purpose of the tissue is to fi lter, secrete, or transfer
gases or digest and absorb nutrients. The histological structure
of one small region of the liver or kidney or small intestine is
very much like the structure of any other region of that organ,
and the function of one portion of the organ is very much like
the function of any other portion. By contrast, the purpose of
the nervous system is to carry sensory information from the
sensory organs to the brain; to process that sensory informa-
tion in the brain to produce perceptions, memories, decisions,
and plans; and to carry motor information from the brain to
the skeletal muscles in order to exert an infl uence on the indi-
vidual’s surroundings. In truth, all we know of the world that
surrounds us is carried as electrical impulses over our sensory
nerves; the only way we have of interacting with that world is
via electrical impulses carried by motor nerves from our brains
to our muscles.
Neurons and Synapses
The building blocks of the nervous system are cells called
neurons. These cells have a long, thin process, the axon, in
which the cell membrane incorporates specialized protein ion
channels that enable the axon to conduct an electrochemical
signal (action potential) from the cell body to the axon termi-
nals. Axon terminals of one neuron make synaptic contacts
with other neurons, generally on processes called dendrites or
on the cell body itself. When the action potential reaches the
axon terminals, a neurotransmitter is released from synaptic
vesicles into the terminals. The neurotransmitter molecules act
on receptor molecules that are part of ion channels in the den-
drites and soma of the next neuron in a chain. The constant
interplay of excitatory and inhibitory infl uences at the many
billions of synapses in the nervous system forms the basis of our
ability to be aware of our surroundings and to initiate actions
to infl uence our surroundings (Figs. 7-1 to 7-3).
Overview of the Peripheral and
Central Nervous Systems
By defi nition, the brain and spinal cord are classifi ed as the cen-
tral nervous system (CNS), and the nerves and ganglia outside
these structures are classifi ed as the peripheral nervous system
(PNS). Collections of axons that carry action potentials from
one place to another are called nerves in the PNS and tracts
within the CNS. Clusters of neuron cell bodies are called gan-
glia in the PNS and nuclei or cortices in the CNS (Fig. 7-4).
Peripheral Nervous System
Nerves in the PNS carry sensory information from receptors
located in the skin, muscles, and other organs and carry motor
commands from the CNS to muscles and glands. Nerves consist
of clusters of axons surrounded by protective connective tis-
sues (Fig. 7-5A). Nerve axons range in diameter from about
0.5 to 22 μm, with the conduction velocity being higher for
larger axons. In addition, larger axons generally have a dense,
lipid-rich coating, myelin, which further increases conduction
velocity (Fig. 7-6). The cell bodies associated with the sensory
neurons are clustered in a swelling of the posterior spinal root,
the posterior (dorsal) root ganglion.
Central Nervous System
The spinal cord consists of large bundles of myelinated and
unmyelinated axons arranged into ascending (sensory) and
descending (motor) tracts (Fig. 7-9A). The ascending tracts
carry information from peripheral receptors to nuclei in the
brainstem and thalamus and from there to the cerebral cortex.
The descending tracts carry motor information from the cere-
bral cortex and motor centers in the brainstem to interneurons
(relay neurons) in the motor pathways and directly to spinal
motor neurons. These motor neurons innervate muscles directly
to produce movement. The tracts are clustered around a central
region, the spinal gray matter, which contains large numbers
of sensory and motor interneurons, spinal motor neurons, and
preganglionic autonomic visceromotor neurons.
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