Global perspective 231
Table 11.2 A summary list of global land-use/land-cover assessments: effect on
weather and climate
Alpert et al. (2005), Avissar and Werth (2005), Baidya Roy and Avissar (2002), Betts
(1999, 2001),
Betts et al. (1997), Bonan et al. (1995), Boucher et al. (2004), Bounoua
et al. (2000, 2002),
Broström et al. (1998), Brovkin et al. (1999, 2002, 2004, 2005),
Brubaker and Entekhabi (1995), Burke et al. (2000), Chase et al. (1996, 2000, 2001),
Claussen (1995, 1998, 2001a,b), Claussen et al. (1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005),
Collatz et al. (1991), Costa and Foley (2000), Couzin (1999), Cox et al. (2000), DeFries
et al. (2002), deNoblet-Ducoudre et al. (2000), Dirmeyer (1994, 1998), Dirmeyer and
Shukla (1996), Eltahir (1996), Entekhabi and Brubaker (1995), Entekhabi et al. (1992),
Feddema et al. (2005a,b), Ferranti and Molteni (1999), Foley et al. (1994, 1998, 2003,
2005), Fraedrich et al. (1999), Franchito and Rao (1992),
Friedlingstein et al. (2001),
Ganopolski et al. (1998), Gedney and Valdes (2000), Govindasamy et al. (2001), Guillevic
et al. (2002), Hoffmann and Jackson (2000), Idso et al. (1975), Keith et al. (2004),
Kleidon et al. (2000), Koster and Suarez (2004),
Koster et al. (2000, 2004),
and Claussen (1998), Lamptey et al. (2005), Levis et al. (1999, 2000), Liu et al. (2006),
Lofgren (1995a,b), Loveland et al. (2000), Lyons et al. (1996), Matthews et al. (2004),
McGuffie et al. (1995), Milly and Dunne (1994), Myhre and Myhre (2003), Pielke Sr.
(2005), Pielke et al. (2002), Pitman and Zhao (2000), Pitman et al. (1999), Polcher and
Laval (1994a,b), Porporato et al. (2000), Ramankutty and Foley (1999), Ramankutty
et al. (2006), Ramírez and Senareth, (2000), Rodriguez-Iturbe et al. (1991a,b), Ruddiman
(2003), Snyder et al. (2004b), Sud et al. (1993, 1995, 1996), Texier et al. (2000), Turner
et al. (1990), van den Hurk et al. (2003),
Vitousek et al. (1997), Werth and Avissar
(2002, 2005), Williams (2003), Xue (1996, 1997), Xue and Fennessy (2002), Xue and
Shukla (1993, 1996), Xue et al. (1996), Zeng and Neelin (1999), Zeng et al. (1999, 2002),
Zhang et al. (1996a,b, 2001), Zhao and Pitman (2002a,b), Zhao et al. (2001a,b)
Information was provided by Dr. Rick Raddatz.
feedbacks in conjunction with an increased carbon dioxide radiative warming
produced an amplified regional and global surface temperature response. As dis-
cussed in Chapter 6, Eastman et al. (2001a,b) used a regional climate model
in a sensitivity study and suggested a cooler daytime and warmer nighttime in
the central Great Plains in response to greater plant growth in a doubled carbon
dioxide atmosphere.
The presence of drought and hydrological feedbacks associated with land-use
change locally or through teleconnections, therefore, has a direct impact on the
source–sink capabilities of the terrestrial ecosystem and therefore on climate.
An important conclusion from these studies is that land-use change directly
alters local and regional heat and moisture fluxes in two ways. Firstly, the local
and regional CAPE is changed since the Bowen ratio is changed as the surface
heat and moisture budgets are altered. Secondly, larger-scale heat and moisture
convergence, and associated large-scale wind circulations can be changed as a